Personal Lists featuring...

Ranking of Kings 2021


Very common in US shows, and you can't always assume that surname = ethnicity/race/nationality because of adoption, name changes, etc. Also includes fantasy white people that exist in a world without Europe. WIP.


Sometimes I get lazy organizing these movies/TV series into its appropriate list to be ranked, so I leave them here for now.


A list that contains all the animes I have watched.

The anime in the list are ranked based on my ratings


A list of animes I have completed.


A selection of anime. Some of them I watched, others I want to watch. Ranking is TBD and TODO.


Yeah, not sure how to better word this (help???), but families that aren't the typical "two parents plus 1+ kids" setup. Includes adoption, foster care, surrogate parents, egg/sperm donors, switched at birth, children raised by relatives/people other than their birth parents, uh... whatever else I can think of that's not currently coming to mind? Excludes single parents (which have their own list), step-relatives (very common), gay parents, and "We're such close friends that we're practically family/nakama!" I'm always open to recommendations! See for ways to contact me if you don't have a Trakt.TV account.
