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Ratched: Season 1

1x01 Pilot

This episode did not disappoint! Wonderfully scripted, and beautifully shot. I was thoroughly tempted to skip work to binge watch this. Sadly, I'll have to wait a few hours to continue watching.

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I was in awe throughout the whole episode!!
Sarah Paulson is of course amazing as always but oh my God, the setting, the photography, the music... All over-the-top 50s, Hitchcock, Herrmann... and deliciously weird! I mean, with a couple more hours at this level this would be already a mini series masterpiece. So let’s see. So promising! I’m excited.

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Great cinematics and intense tension. This is twisted. I'm definitely hooked.

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Paulson is in fine form here, bringing a cold but passionate authenticity to Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Great first episode. Visually pleasing as well.

Leering guy (House of Cards, Peter Russo) isn't a main character yet but leaves a strong impression- perfectly at home here playing the smug AA looking burnout.

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I understand NOTHING.
btw Paulson has always worked with sociopath and thief characters?

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Was unsure about starting to watch this series, but after watching the first episode I must say I love it already. The music, the acting, the setting, and omg the wardrobe <3 Will be interesting to see where this is going. Am curious to find out what exactly happened in her past.

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My god, how much money did they put into the costume and the set design?? It's ridiculously gorgeous! And the Soundtrack was great! It has the same approach like the one from Homecoming.:smiley:

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Not sure if I keep watching this.
To plain forward, overacting, score is to much in your face and story line thin

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Shout by pikan

I was hooked onto the first 40 minutes of the episode just because Sarah Paulsons character’s motives are unclear. The stereotype of a lover trying to breakout a criminal is a bit overdone, so hopefully this show puts a twist onto the trope.

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Shout by Deleted

Not for me. If you love Ryan Murphy and every season of American Horror Story after Season 2, this is for you. It's style over substance, the sets and costumes are a feast for the eyes (not to mention Murphy's Hitchcock color changes to embrace the psychological mood of the Ratched). The twist in the end only made me yawn and I could care less what happens next because I didn't care for any of the characters.

I won't be watching the rest. For those of you who say that means I don't have a say on whether or not this show is good or bad, remember I don't spend eight hours of my life so lightly to prove to nay sayers my opinion is valid and that I usually try to spend my time watching shows with critical merit. Vincent D'Onofrio is great, can't say much else.

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All the ingredients to be a great series, from director Ryan Murphy and Sarah Paulson, I can only come out with a category 10 series.

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Well, it's certainly an aesthetic delight. That and the acting are enough to keep my attention for now, we'll see in time if the story is worth it as well.

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Hmmm, it was visually pretty, the sets are so glamorous and the colors are gorgeous and I think that’s pretty much it... not hooked yet but decided to watch after the golden globes’ nominations but didn’t love it. I guess the main story is that Ratched wanted to work in that asylum cause the killer is her brother and wants to be reunited with him, but we got that in two minutes and the rest of the time was pretty colors. I’m gonna keep watching and lets see if this show changes my mind.

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Switched off after 20 minutes, should I go back and persevere or knotch it down as a "dodged a bullet"

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