Shouts about...

Resurrection 2014

So bad it was cancelled. Season 2 has also finished with mystery and suspense. I expected a season 3 too :(

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It reminds you on The Returned because it's based on it. Just the US Version. Even though the Original got great Reviews, we didn't like it so much. Maybe this is better. Let's see.

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Shout by TopCat
BlockedParent2014-10-14T16:05:40Z— updated 2024-05-28T07:58:45Z

This show is putting me to sleep. I loved the first season but the pacing is SO SLOW it's crazy. I'm strongly considering dropping it.

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Shout by Deleted

It was really cancelled? If it was anyone could share the reason?
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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It was canceled, people. Just a heads-up since Trakt hasn't discovered it yet.

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Apart from the opening episode and the last couple, there is little here to recommend. Will stick with it at the start of Season 2 but if it continues in the same vein I will check out. Agreed the far superior French series Les Revenants which has the same concept is much stronger and more interesting than this, regardless of whether one is based on another book.

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This remind me of The Returned...

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

I wasn't a so big fan of those series (4400, ...) but this one is incredible. I really felt the emotion.
This is another nice surprise after "Believe" last week.
But "Resurrection" is really better ...

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Shout by Saibagen

I can understand the need to focus on character-character relationships as this show is undoubtely a generic, yes generic, small-town drama( I hate small town dramas) with a not so important fantasy background story, but I hate seeing the show going down the toilet. The cliffhanger ending of season one made me wanna give it a second chance and I gave it a second chance! I came back and... I liked what I saw in episode 02x01, but, right now I am disappointed. I think I'm watching a cheap drama starring few great actors- generic small-town bullshit.
I'm midway thru the season and so far there have only been filler eps, no real plot progress.

Since I'm already this far I will keep watching, but I wouldn't recommend it to any of my friends.

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Shout by Saibagen

Much better than the first season- so far.

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Shout by Saibagen

The 4400/ The Returned- a remake or idea theft? O.o
We'll see... I like the cast!

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Shout by Deleted

Checked this out of the courtesy of the incredible 'Les Revenants', this is (unsurprisingly) an inferior, cringe-worthy version of the French show. It hits all the hallmarks of a poor network show: meekly dialogue, mishandled plot, unnecessary characters and stories. Everything just falls flat and enormously boring. Wonder why the rating holds up.

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Shout by Deleted

As a matter of fact, Resurrection is based on the book The Returned written by Jason Mott and not on the French series. It just has similar concept. I personally prefer the French version because it's darker and much more thrilling. This one is just too squeaky clean.

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The cut and overall quality of the pilot seems good, but the story... I don't know. It's all what one would expect, people being surprised and emotionally overwhelmed by beloved dead ones who came back to life. Since ABC has a thing for picking up mystery shows with higher expectations, I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out the other way.

But I like to be proven wrong!

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Incredible casting and production but all the subtly and slower pacing of the original is gone.

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It's not bad, but... Since I recently watched the French version, I'm not too interested in this. I'll probably catch up over the summer.

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Watch the french version. This one seems too 'americanized'

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