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Rick and Morty

Season 4


Shout by Jimmy

I think it’s a good season, but all the other seasons every single episode I loved and I could rewatch over and over again and couldn’t even pick a favourite coz they’re all so good. Not the case this season, probably watched each episode like 5 times each but they definitely aren’t as good.

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Shout by Phil
BlockedParent2020-02-11T10:20:41Z— updated 2020-04-01T10:58:01Z

I really liked all 5 released so far, looking forward to the next 5. I don't mind the wait, I've had to wait between each season so far and there's a lot more shows out there.

edit: second half returns May 3rd.

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very sad that was 5 episodes only... and they're not good as previous seasons :(

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I laughed a lot but I have to admit it's starting to feel a bit samey. Maybe it's time to end it.

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Is this just the parody season?

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Not sure if it's just me, but this season has been disappointing by comparison to the rest of the show. One or two decent episodes, a few funny moments, but it just feels like they've lost their passion for this project.

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OK, the second half of the season is a bit better, especially the final couple of episodes.

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Well, I was already kind of ready to give up on the show after that first half season continued the downward trend and, while I could still enjoy parts of it, had some of the worst episodes of the show this far.
However, I'm glad to say the second half definitely brought it back for me. While the first half often felt like filler ideas halfheartedly made into full episodes, the second felt more like classic Rick & Morty again and even delivered some long-awaited payoffs.
Just because of that first half, this is still overall the weakest season in my eyes, but the last few episodes suggest it's not time to give up hope yet.

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Shout by Kyle Cunningham

There was some great episodes so far, but this just doesn't feel as good as the other seasons. I cant quite put my finger on it but something's just not as Rick and Morty as the other seasons. This season also had one of the worst episodes I've seen (episode 5)


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Shout by Nero Sensei

dude its hella gud :punch_tone1::punch_tone1:

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