I knew something was shady about "Agent" Adams!
I also kept thinking about the fingerprints when they were getting rid of the body. Lol!

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Nice plottwist at the end! This season is getting more and more interesting. Can't wait to see what Chic is up to as well.

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I am forever in love with FP Jones. Anyway, this episode, it was a good episode, more development in the plot.
I keep wondering what Chic is up to, that is one interesting character to follow.

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The kids were a lot smarter last season, now they're dumb most of the time. I can't stand Chip nor his story, we know, he's crazy, get over it and tell us something more interesting

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I don't care how much you love a girl. When her family is that crazy, boy, you better run.

I enjoyed how they played with the camera angles and the filming techniques this episode.

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"How many people have to die before you do something about it?" says the FBI agent to the highschool boy.

Well, it was obvious for everyone except Archie that this FBI guy was shady af, so at least we have some proof now. And the reveal was even better than I thought (though Archie should run far, far away from that family).

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Sigh wish they just made a sitcom based in the comics rather than this show. I know they are trying to put a more mature tone to this version of archie and his friends, but it just isnt fun or intriguing anymore. Season 1 was decent but this season seems like plot holes after plot holes that they just try to force to make a story. Hope those who continue watching will still enjoy this and that the show does improve in the futurr but for me it is the end. Alice Cooper suddenly being the model riverdale citizen to trying to cover up a murder is just too much.

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OMG the ending was siiiiiiiick!
Tho I called it with possible FP+Alice and Chic isn't hard to see through. The ending really shocked me as I just said that Veronica is awesome with knowing everything and finishing every problem with clean solution. They all went a hell of a road from the beginning to this episode O.O

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Very predictable "twist" ending, I suspected this scenario around the second time Adams appeared out of nowhere to confront Archie. Although, I'll give credit where it's due, I did not expect Hermione Lodge to be behind it - I think I often overlook her active role when so much of the show present Hiram as the one to make most/all of the family business decisions.

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Shout by JasperKazai

I'm glad the FBI agent was a ruse after all. Purely because it was completely ridiculous and nonsensical that they would enlist and rely on a teenager so heavily. The fact that it was only ever Agent Adams alone and nothing else had me suspicious from the start. BUT, on the other hand, I thought it was completely possible that this show was just stupid and was playing it straight with all of that. The fact that I was unsure about all of this is not to the show's credit - it just means I expect stupid things from it.

How could they not think about the car the drug dealer drove to their house? That is like obvious thing number 2, after the body. Idiots.

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This was for sure one of the best episodes of the entire show. Finally we are getting the season 1 mojo back again. Everyone had some interesting going on in this episode and it was great, and that end.. Wow. Can't wait for what's next.

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Talk about willful blindness. Im getting tired of Veronica being all dumb about her dad when she literally admitted to Archie he's a mobster, but doesn't want to believe he'd hurt people. Ummm she contributed to him hurting the St. Clair's. Like come on Veronica, you jumped into the family business head on and want to act like you have a moral compassion. Get real.

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