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Season 3

This season needs to end & the show should not be renewed. This is some seriously bad writing.

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Shout by GRP
BlockedParent2020-08-24T02:35:32Z— updated 2021-02-02T23:37:26Z

A brilliant, gory, campy, fast-paced, and batsh*t season.

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This season is boring. I hope better is coming.

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Ok, the whole season is ridiculous.

The closest to the farm we have in real life is Clearwater, Florida (which Scientology tried/tries to take over), but even there with their massive investment the influence they actually have is still limited and had to be built over quite some time.

The Farm is able to do this within less than a year?
Betty actually said early on whom cults target.

I should know, having been raised in one myself. No matter how good a recruiter is, the person has to be recruitable in the first place.
Behavior control which is what cults do (it actually goes further than just brainwashing which is an easily reversable process) takes time. Usually at least half a year. You don't go into a session and are a cult-head immediately - if it worked like that, people would be way more careful.

The sad thing is, that they didn't really need to have them take over the town this hard. One or two of the parents would have been more than enough.

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A brilliant, terrifying, batsh*t season.

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the show has become so convoluted because they refuse to drop ANY storyline - they just slap layer after layer of unresolved barely cohesive drama to pad the 22 episodes. ive stuck around for CHONI, just give them a spin off already, so i can get off this damn ride!

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Still watchable but pretty goofy season so far.

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Shout by Deleted

How do I watch this?

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