Wow, ok. Anything can happen in the next episode. I’m really excited

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The writers forgot to have Jallybean say bye to Jughead lol. I mean she did make those tapes to try and get him to stay after all...

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good episode in a long time, glad I don't have to wait to see the next one hehe.

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I don't get why he was at the restaurant in the end waiting? He could have just contacted them via this thing called the internet if they were coming.

I understand the need for drama but this is ridiculous

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Really love FP Jones and Alice <3

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Shout by Kevin Beazley

Graduation montage was overly saccharine. Glad to see "Bughead" and "Varchie" (please shoot me) end, neither of those couples had any substantial chemistry and their relationships were super boring and vanilla and unexciting and only seemed to exist when the show needed a teenage sex scene set to crappy pop music. Did Cole Sprouse gain weight? His face looks fatter.

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His beanie! :( he got rid of it.

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This would classify as 'calm before the storm' because this episode felt normal and plain. Those moments are rare in Riverdale.

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emotional one, next episode: 7 years later

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