• 1
  • 2019-01-01T05:00:00Z
  • 42m
  • 4h 54m (7 episodes)
  • United States
  • History
Covers battles and topics about German general Erwin Rommel. Includes Rommel's Afrika Korps, various actions taken by Roosevelt, and the many battles that took place in Africa.

7 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 Allied Task Force Invades North Africa

Series Premiere

1x01 Allied Task Force Invades North Africa

  • 2019-01-01T05:00:00Z42m

Allied task force invades north Africa; allied armies bog down in rain and mud; Rommel's Afrika Korps attacked; allied resistance stiffens at Kasserine pass; German escape foiled; Allied forces sweep past El Alamein to Tunis.

1x02 At The Front In North Africa

  • 2019-01-01T05:00:00Z42m

In color - a tank convoy in North Africa engages the Nazis in battle.


1x03 News From North Africa

1x03 News From North Africa

  • 2019-01-01T05:00:00Z42m

Part 1, President Roosevelt is visited aboard a ship by Ibn-Saud, King of Saudi Arabia; Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia; and King Faruk I of Egypt. Part 2, units of the 8th Army, 6th Army (37th Inf. Div.), and the 1st Cavalry Div. participate in the liberation of Manila. Shows jungle and city fighting, captured collaborationists, and Philippine guerrillas receiving hand grenades.

Colour Footage U.S. Army Signal Corps. Silent footage of scenes of Franklin D. Roosevelt's visit to Casablanca, January, 1943, reviewing the troops, meeting with Winston Churchill, and Gen. Henri Giraud.

1x05 Axis Smashed In North Africa

  • 2019-01-01T05:00:00Z42m

1943 Axis Smashed in North Africa After battles across North Africa Montgomery and Eisenhower's armies meet up. Tunisia is liberated and the celebration is seen as a forerunner of victories to come in Europe. Vivid wartime footage.


1x06 The Earthquakes

1x06 The Earthquakes

  • 2019-01-01T05:00:00Z42m

Color footage presents the story of the 12th Bomb Group of the 9th Air Force and its role in the air campaign against the German army in North Africa during World War II.


1x07 Fight For Egypt

1x07 Fight For Egypt

  • 2019-01-01T05:00:00Z42m

1943 Fight for Egypt The invasion of North Africa was a prelude to the invasion of Europe. The Allies advance. They free cities and towns from the Nazis. They are welcomed joyously.
