Started with Political BS, ICE checkpoint, lost Funding because someone wants a Wall yada yada.. Can't Hollywood just make a Fiction show with just Fictional story line? loss of interest

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This has a few issues. The only 2 characters that were any good were Liz and Max. Liz was always supposed to be Hispanic. She seemed like less of a caricature than anyone else. The old Max would be improved if he was replaced by a cardboard cutout so the new actor is a step up. He's not great but a little better than he was on The Originals.

The story was weak. A drive by in New Mexico with a cop car out front? Please. Making Michael gay wasn't well done. Isobel was a wreak. Using the run out and leave your bondage partner tied up was weak. They employed Tyler from TVD which is a mistake. The government dude just rolling over and giving away the secrets was terrible.

All that said, I'm not done with the show yet.

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Shout by Chad Kjar
BlockedParent2019-01-17T02:58:44Z— updated 2019-05-06T00:32:59Z

Entire episode was ramming liberal agendas down our throats. Just make a show without all that crap please. The only thing they didn't cover was climate change. I'm sure that will be next week.

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It was okay. I liked that they moved on in time. I'm not sure about all the actor choices. In particular Liz. She's not bad but she's no Appleby and why couldn't they just reuse Appleby or pick somebody with more gravitas? And I can't help but compare the two. This actress plays a less grounded Liz and I doubt she'll be able to carry Liz Parker off with as much multifacetedness and grace as the previous incarnation had. As for the things I did like: I liked the dead Rosa angle. I liked the actress they picked for Isabel. Also, agro Tyler from TVD as Kyle is a good choice. Annoying character, annoying Tyler.

And making Michael gay or bi? It felt forced, like they are doing this just to have a main character that's not straight. Michael never seemed gay in the original.

I also wonder why didn't they buy and rescript the version that Maria from the original was selling? The one called Baron and Toluca. There's even a website for it: With the original Michael and the original Maria in it. This one is so typical CW.

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I don't like the alien theme, but I try to see all the CW series pilots.

I liked how it unfolded already in the pilot has to show that it is worth continuing ... I will see others and one day maybe I will return

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I’m rewatching s1 to watch s2 and obviously I liked this show, I just have a tiny complain, I’m mexican so spanish is my native language and I can’t stand the way everyone pronounces Rosa’s name!!! Like some actors say rosa and others say :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:Rosa:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: but it’s neither and I spend all episode pronouncing Rosa and I get so distracted. Also I grew up watching tvd, the originals, pll and every the cw show so I love seeing the actors from those shows in this show!!

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now that season 2 is out i'm rewatching season 1 because i have forgotten a lot what happened lol. what i do remember is coming some what back so it's interesting watching from the start knowing a bit what will happen later. what i remember thinking about this show based on the 1st season: it was entertaining and had some great characters, but it didn't make me fall in love with it. but it made me curious to see season 2 for sure.

now about this first ep. for a pilot episode it was okay. i liked liz the most but max i'm not too sure so their relationship is cute and all but i'm not really that invested in it. from the three aliens i liked michael the most because i thought he was at least interesting. isobel was meh. alex had a good introduction and made me want to know what happened with him in the past.

but also the kiss with alex and michael was cool, but the music choice and editing there pissed me off and made me feel like i was watching the vampire diaries or teen wolf.

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I am living for that Michael and Alex kiss!

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Let me guess they are also rebooting Buffy to push political agendas ? You would think Supergirl was preachy enough.
I also knew CW, would have to make someone gay from the original series. Has to be one person per CW show who likes the same sex.
More than anything though Roswell was rebooted to mention deportation non-stop.

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coming from the vampire diaries and the originals.. I'm having hopes for this one. good thing it's got a similar essence.

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