Has the potential to be good, I sorta like the main character in a way.


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watching it for the second time, it's SO MUCH better. i don't know what changed, but i like it.

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i don't really get the approach but i'm interested in the future

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This was a rewatch. I had already seen the first 3 episodes of the show six months ago, set it aside only due to a bad case of anxiety. But I've been meaning to get in the right headspace in order to pick it back up ever since. While it's very unlike me to watch something all over again within less than a decade or two, my memory just loves to play games with me all the time so, here we are.

Anyway, I enjoyed this episode much better upon rewatch. Noticed and appreciated a lot more stuff this time around, especially xxxx. Think I've already taken a liking to Nadia, and Oatmeal is just so cuddleable I can't. And yes, "being a feline lover is not and has never been sad."

It's a good pilot.

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Natasha Lyon annoys me in Orange Is The New Black and even with the hair colour change she still does.... not to mention that episode 1 sucks. Can’t even give it a chance without trying to stab my eyes out.

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Well, that was kinda bad.

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This episode was weird but interesting. I love the Groundhog Day concept.

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I REALLY liked this serie. The concept, the characters, the plot, the pace of the story, the overall look and contrast of Nadia's/Alan's lives, and the ending(even if kinda ambiguous)..
I hope for a second season, even if it's good as it is.

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I'm a sucker for the whole Groundhog Day routine —and for redheads —, so I had to watch this. I was disappointed by both. The characters are annoyingly pretentious, Nadia is too much of a dick to be likeable and, worst of all, it isn't even slightly funny.
But now I have to watch the whole thing because I really want to know what will happen to Oatmeal. FML

(But not everything was meh, at least they ended the episode with one of my favourite Light Asylum songs.)

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Shout by ruthwilson

kind of an awkward start but i have high hopes

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