Personal Lists featuring...

Rutherford Falls 2021


List created and maintained by



Launched: July 15, 2020
Streaming service from NBCUniversal


Bata, Critics Choice, Golden Globes, Spirit, SAG, WGA, Satellite, Emmy


We've had two impeccable television years in a row, so it seems like Peak TV is hardly dead. Here's to a third!

Side-note: Instead of ranking the shows as I go (this became all-consuming), I'm going to use this to keep track of the shows I watch in 2022 and then rank them at the end of the year. Have a great year, everyone!


I have no faith that Peacock will actually survive as a streaming service, but I do think it will last long enough to meet my base requirement of seeing five shows on it. I've seen one already and, eventually, this will round up. But really, just a botched, careless rollout of a flagship service for a company. It exists only because it has immense backing and The Office, but I doubt its permanence.
