That cheerful Top Gun ending would have been the the series finale.

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Shout by Heather T

I've never been a big fan of Annie, and in this episode I felt like she out did herself with her hypocrisy, expecting Deacon to just walk away because he's retired. Clearly, he wouldn't have been called in if it wasn't an emergency. But as soon as he was a big hero, and she had found a way to make things work so he could return to SWAT (her sister) she changed her tune and told him how she knew he "wasn't done" with SWAT yet.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for her as a mother returning to work, I just cannot stand the hypocrisy of spouses/partners of emergency service characters, especially ones who have been in a relationship for as long as Annie and Deacon suddenly expecting their partners to change. It's like they wake up one morning and realise they're married to someone who believes in duty and helping their community. It's such a horrible cliché in these shows, and I much prefer Hondo and Richelle's relationship, where they both believe in duty and understand each other's commitment to it.

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Anyone else catch the screw-up by Cabrera (in the hospital) (within the first 15 minutes (commercial free version)) she said 60 squad? Yet in the beginning of the episode they said 50 squad, also shortly after Cabrera's screw-up, Powell also says 50 squad. Lol Oops!

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