Shouts about...

Samurai Champloo 2004

This is an absolutely amazin anime. The characters are well written, the group is fitting well and the adventures and different goals are absolutely amazing. I was close to tears as it ended. For those of you, who haven't seen it yet: Check it out, take your time and enjoy the first time watching... I wish I could do it again!

Mixture of: Cowboy Bebop + Afro Samurai = Samurai Champloo (Awesome Soundtrack, great characters and an amazing storyline!)

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Incredible anime! Nujabes's OST is really giving the tone of this whole show!
This is so great to watch!

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At first, I thought I was disappointed by this new, lazy, digital animation style. I was expecting something ooh like Bebop. But, man… I really was wrong.

This… is Watanabe on another level. Plus… it has Nujabes. I think it would be more perfect if it’s squeezed to maybe under 20 episodes? No big deal… Champloo rules!

To be (or not to be?) rewatched…

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It's not an incredible story but it's the way that it is tell that is, and it is magnificent. Lovely characters, a journey that makes you want to go too. I loved the mix with the Edo epoch and hip-hop culure.
The fights are nice and the soundtracks super cool, they gave me chills.
Some people could be disappointed with the end but for me, it's a part of the beauty of this anime, it reflects the reality of life and the bonds you create with people at a certain time of your life. You can let your mind raving thinking of what life's path kept for them.
A nice and beautiful story.

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An average story told by amazing detail, easily loveable 3 main characters, great soundtracks with combining samurai era and hiphop. You want more after watching and completing it but that feeling makes you love this anime more. It's short. it's lovely and deserves to be seen.

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Absolute gem. Right up there with cowboy bebop and trigun imo..

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One of the best animes, great story and characters. The soundtrack's amazing too.

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Shout by Frikilax

I really enjoyed this story, but was a bit disappointed by the end...
I believe I really want complicated stories, with harrowing deaths... But the answer of this show lies in its simplicity !
The different steps of the journey are still great, and after having watched Cowboy Bebop, I must say I really enjoy his style !
Of course, the production is still amazing, with great soundtracks and design !

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Shout by Destinystarx

Real nice anime.

Dat music .

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Shout by Micheal Espinola Jr

Extremely stylized and well made. Odd is it may sound, but it blends Samurai-era action with more modern concepts and a touch of hip-hop. Don't knock it - it works.

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Shout by Deleted

you'd be mad to not love this

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