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Season 6

One can argue that Seinfeld was never the same after Larry Charles left as one of the writers when Season 5 ended. He was indeed responsible for some of my all-time favourite episodes (The Limo 3x19, The Outing 4x17, The Stall 5x12...), and the subtlety with which he tackled more darker, controversial themes was quite interesting.

However, even if the show lost a bit of its edginess, Season 6 may have been the most creative season Seinfeld had had thus far. I really don't think a moment such as Elaine picking George's wig and throwing it out of the window, for example, would be executed as well as it was here. Not sure if the show became funnier, but it certainly embraced its goofiness a bit more.

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This is one of the funniest seasons of Seinfeld!

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Seinfeld hits the 100th episode milestone in Season 6, and shows no sign of letting up. Elaine gets back on her feet, taking a job as the personal assistant for eccentric businessman Mr. Pitt, George runs into trouble at his job with the New York Yankees, and Kramer and Newman team-up for more misadventures. Featuring such classic episodes as “The Switch,” “The Scofflaw,” “The Jimmy,” and “The Face Painter,” the writers continually go bigger and more outlandish with their comedy.; delivering a ton of laughs. Additionally, new recurring characters are introduced, including Tim Whatley, David Putty and J. Peterman. And a number of interesting guest stars make appearances, including Michelle Forbes, Patton Oswalt, Bryan Cranston, Jon Voight, Jon Lovitz, and Bette Midler. Seinfeld has come a long way in a 100 episodes and delivers a hilariously entertaining sixth season.

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one of the best seasons of seinfeld, by far. i love all of the seasons but this one is a stand-out!

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