Shouts about...

Servant 2019

Looks like the usual M. Night Shyamalan style... Starts well, has a great end (I HOPE), but the middle sucks... this formula may work for a movie, but it really doesn't here... the only blessing is the episodes are 30 minutes long. To restate what many have said, unlikable characters, weird camera angles, and honestly, DON'T WATCH THIS IF YOU ARE VEGAN

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Shout by shaun jeffrey

I got 15mins into this show and switched it off, it’s sick and that’s not sick as in great, it’s sick as in bloody horrible.....
The storyline just did not sit very well with me, that girl/nanny would have been straight out that door, as for the wife!!!!
I’m not heartless and have seen more then my share of child loss over time, but there’s no way I’d let that fake baby anywhere near my house or family

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I seem to be here for answers I don't think I'll get so adiós.

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watch the first season but I won't watch the next seasons, too slow and not very interesting

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i watched a fan-edit with a complete runtime of 11h 45m - it was perfection!

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I think I've never devoured a tv show so quickly and good as this Servant on Apple TV+, 4 seasons flew by in a few days (eps so short at 30 minutes, it goes by quickly) a really well-made horror and meet a new artista (SALEKA)

THE SOUND EFFECT IS GRATEFUL, effects too, amazing experience on home theater

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a long movie: personal, and artistic.

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Good series but probably a bit too long, started to drag a bit in places. Could probably have done with just 3 seasons or even 4 of 8 episodes each. That said, the story was very good and cast all played their roles really well. There's quite a few holes in the plot in places where things that you'd expect to be followed up just aren't. Sean's "wannabe Gordon Ramsay" in the kitchen gets a bit tiresome and was probably not needed at all, he's enough of a dick as it is. Well worth watching though even if it was a bit slow at times and a lot better than some of the other series kicking around at the moment.

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This show is a mess, they took too many references from silent hill 2, Stephen King, but the script is terrible, they present too many ideas an then forget it, the characters are too stupid, each season introduce new ideas, but at the end of the season 4, they ruin it. This show is kind American horror story, a horror soap opera. Skip it.

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Season 4 worse than 3 which was worse than 2 which was worse than 1 yada yada yada. Is there anybody still watching this mess I wonder? . Maybe it's just me and my masochistic tendencies that make me hate watch this pile of excrements. :joy:

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Servant’:

  1. This show is the slowest burn of all slow burns. It’s kinda insane. They could have either shortened this to just a couple seasons. Or they could have had multiple, evolving story arcs within this fairly-intriguing mythology. All in all, we waited far too long with limited payoff (and limited questions answered).

  2. These characters are not grounded in reality. They’re odd. And, for the most part, it can be what makes this show interesting to watch. But they also tend to make decisions and react in ways that make little sense… leaving us all kinds of frustrated.

  3. I didn’t hate it. And I’ve always been an M. Night fan. And it’s a great cast. I’d be lying, despite my qualms, if I said they didn’t have me hooked from the first episode.

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[tv+] Throughout the four seasons, it has developed an exercise in style that has benefited from the ambiguity and unsettling tone in a claustrophobic space that in its first seasons seemed to predict the confinement. The end of the series may not have satisfied everyone, being somewhat anticlimactic and in a way not quite solving all the unknowns, but it has been adequately consistent with the tone of the story. And above all, it has managed to bring together some of the most relevant directors in the resurgence of the horror genre internationally.

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Well, that was a weird fucking ride.

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Really enjoyed this show at first,but after the second season it became a boring drag and I still don't know what it was about.A shame as it could have been something good.

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It is interesting in the beginning, then becomes pointless really fast, literally nothing happens in every episode. It drags and drags and drags and drags likes this just to have pointless ending. I hope it is not renewed for a 5th season. Don't waste your time on this

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This Review after finishing the whole series, It's soooo sad how they turn this show from something could be so good to this shitty ending, Like wtf nonsense thing's and just makes u pissed off from how much thing's are so dumb, I mean the storyline! Went so Far from good, The strange idea it's one of series that u can't gave up on it but in same time u just wanna finish it, Glad it's ended but In same time sad that it turned to this,
Anyway Not recommend so much

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Started off great but....just finish it shyamalan and stop letting your daughter use it as her school project. Please just end it now.

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This is a show that I started off a little hopeful about, and while I didn't get the impression it'd ever be "Great" I thought it could still maybe be good, but honestly it's going in what feels like 10 different directions and is going on a little long for me to even really say I think "Good" is still possible. Right now I'd say it's hovering slightly above average, but if it goes a few more years I can see that slipping too. I haven't seen Season 4 yet, I'm not really that excited for it, but I do hope it ends there and they resolve all of these insane mysteries going on.

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Season 4 Leanne is giving "If that makes me a villain, so be it. I can play the fucking villain." So silly. Why am I even watching this show anymore...

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Don't you think this director is really overrated

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If only the episodes were a bit longer,but still it's one of the best weird shows on at the moment.

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Oh and I forgot to mention that I was drawn in by this: it stars Lauren Ambrose (a singular talent if ever there was one) and it’s created and directed by M. Night Shaymalan. His first foray into television. Bring. It. On!

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I binged seasons 1 and 2 in a single sitting and it was marvellously harrowing. I’m planning on trying to wait for all of season 4 to be available so I can do it again!

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It's one of those shows that is good but is held back just slightly from being great because it takes too long for crucial plot points to be added to the story. It's not accidental, it's by design, it gives them a show for longer and it keeps the viewer in suspense, but it's a trick that's not really needed since the underlining story is good and the whole "Who's the real weirdo?" game ends up going on too long that it may lose a few viewers who have less patience. I binged it up until mid season 3, and I see it probably being a show better to binge than to watch week to week.

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Tv show staring Rupert Grint :smiley:
Directed by Shamalan :slight_smile:
It’s a horror :neutral_face:

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At the end of season 1, I am completely speechless. This show is awesome. It is thrilling, it makes me nervous and worried, I am watching it and find myself walking around the house in circles.... and each episodes it gets more and more thrilling and intense, and I am holding my fingers crossed, eating my nails and my hands got wet, until.... lets see what will happen in season 2.

I am really recommending this one for people who likes M. Night. Shyamalan and twist and thrilling movies. I would say it is really MA only. Good luck!

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I find this show equal parts intriguing and frustrating. Would enjoy it more if it was an actual exploration of grief and guilt, but those things act more as a backdrop for a spooky mystery. Will keep tuning in to see what happens

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Keeps your attention. Funny and creepy at the same time. Really enjoyed season 1.

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I liked the first season and was looking forward to watching the second season! But season two is ssssssoooooo bad! I have still no idea where the series is heading to. Very slow episodes in second season. No thrills, no excitement. Nothing! Very boring second season!

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Very creepy and well shot with great acting and atmosphere.
Pacing can be a little slow at times particularly in the second season, but still does pay off enough to entertain.
It’s not one of these shows where there’s a big reveal of the mystery, more slow hints at a vague concept. Although I normally don’t find the latter too satisfying it is well done here that I enjoyed it.

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Great series!! to be watch on a binge is even better. great writting with a twist which you kind of find out but they never explecitely tell you. well done and good acting from all the cast. This is a little gem from AppleTV+.
Becareful the episodes are short and you always crave for more even at the end of season 2.

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'Lost' in Philadelphia. This will only ever end in tears of frustration.

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too slow for me.i HATED it

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I liked it. The general quality is very high.
The atmosphere is quite dark but without pushing it to far. But the darkness is mixed up with a bit craziness and tons of humor, most of the humor is subtle though which is my favorite kind of humor. Great characters. The idea behind the story is intriguing and original.
The story in itself feels unfinished, or open, I guess that depends on the viewer. To me it feels a bit too unfinished, not sure if they're planning on having an extension in the form of another season but I doubt it. It does feel unfinished but at the same time it feels like there's nothing more to add.
Overall good show, much better than the average.

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Quiet difficult to disagree with what people is saying here. I was very intrigued watching every single episode not quiet understanding what is actually going on. Sometimes it felt like a big joke but I finally got it. I think. Hoping fot another season.

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Profane with unlikable characters and slow plot.

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The story couldv'e been condensed to 1 hour instead of 5 hours, and I don't see the point in telling stories like this and then leaving our dear characters in a state of absolute darkness.

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Imagine watching a sporting event. It’s all exciting, edge of your seat action and suspense. Then with the game tied and 10 seconds to go, both teams dance around, wave goodbye and leave.... That was this show. It had me hooked in, anticipating what was happening next, then the last episode made absolutely no sense. What a total disappointment!

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I don't know what to say. Through the whole series it keeps your interest and you to watch till the end. But at the end there no answer. Because of that I have mixed feelings about this show. Feels like author fools me because he wanted season 2. And who says that season 2 will be the last....

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When will episode 11 be available?

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I love this show. It is so scary that sometimes I went to hug my baby because I felt bad.

Short duration episodes that makes the show intriguing and easy to follow.

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The sound effects are eerie and scary. The camera work is excellent. The performance is pure. The show really works for me.

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Intriguing and brilliant show from M. Night Shyamalan.

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