Shouts about...

Servant: Season 2

2x03 Pizza


Shout by onlime

13 episodes in and still no fucking clue what's going on.

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Shout by kinky

I hate Dorothy, but those final moments of the episode made me love to hate her. I hope her character development keeps turning her more and more into an unintentionally cruel villain.

And Cheezus Crust has now become my favourite name for a pizza place. It's so good!

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Alternate title: Dorothy Outdoes Every Madwoman Ever Portrayed. With Pizza.

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As soon as we see her in the kitchen, I thought to myself: "Wait, why the heck is she making pizzas now ?" ... then, OMG, lol !

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Finally getting interesting. Taken a while though. And could do without the flashback stuff :sleeping:

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Great episode, the funniest so far :P Lauren Ambrose steals the show. Can't wait for more.

Cheesus Crust :)

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