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Servant: Season 4

4x07 Myth

Oh man, this was a great one. Very exciting to see how this all ends.

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Just when you think you’re finally about to be given answers, Uncle George tells a bunch of lies instead. It’s infuriating at this point. This feels less like you’re entertaining and engaging your audience, and more like you’re flipping them off.

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Waiting the end… with chapters without any substance… poor season

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They had me in the first half ngl.

Gotta be said though, the trope of explaining the strange occurances is usually done by telling the most fantastical and crazy story when in the end it was just simple slight of hand and misdirection, but in this case the reverse maybe true.

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Finally some god-damn answers!

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I don‘t believe anything someone tells in this episode.
Can‘t believe that Sean isn’t ashamed by his tv show.

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Shout by Andy Gilleand

This got SO close to jumping the shark there for a second lol

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Three episodes left and they're still writing checks. Hope they can cash us out at the end but not too optimistic.

Hell of a ride though.

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Really interesting episode.
George had me till the end, his story was pretty convincing at first lol. Everything he said was too good to be true and I almost believed it up until last scene. But how much of it was lies? Leanne does have powers and George is willing to sacrifice the family to bring her back to the cult.

Many questions that I hope will be answered before the series finale.

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