Shout by The_Argentinian
BlockedParent2021-08-21T16:27:31Z— updated 2023-09-16T14:24:48Z

Samantha giving Carrie a little push was cute. We all need a Samantha in our lives :hearts:.

By the way, how come Carrie is never shown naked?

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-04-27T08:00:26Z— updated 2022-12-07T18:45:39Z

Gosh. This American attitude towards nudity is barely comprehensible. Hiring a boobs double was supposedly a bold move by the directors, but I'm totally annoyed by Carrie's reaction.

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Does that sense of adventure still flicker inside of us, or when it comes to being carefree single girls, have we missed the boat?

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Carrie, please stop screaming ffs!

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Watching this show is like eating peaches. Light summer breeze. It is because of this show that I feel very close to New York. ''Carrie: [voice over] If Louis was right, and you only get one great love, New York may just be mine. I had a thought...Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe you have to let go of who you were, to become who you will be.''

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