Shouts about...

Shadow and Bone 2021

actually really enjoyed this show. the plot is a bit messy and cheesy and there are some scenes that make you think 'well.. that was stupid.' but it's actually really entertaining. some episodes had me binging because i just needed to know what was going to happen next. really sets the atmosphere well. i felt like i was fully inside of each location. costume designs as well. story line with Kaz, Inej, Jesper was by far the most entertaining. felt super hooked wanting to know what happens with them next. main story line with Alina and amal was by far the most boring. lol. overall i liked it! can't stop thinking about it. NEED another show to watch with this kind of atmosphere!

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Way overated. Not well written or acted.

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If you like the commonplace woke shit of today with a bit of tacky acting and an otherwise entertaining show, this is for you. For me, I find the woke shit and the tacky acting way too much in my face to actually enjoy the plot. The fact that they even call the bad guy a "darkling" should give the reader some idea. Gay couples are flaunted, of course - I did mention woke shit. And by tacky acting, I mean the tendencies of several characters to overact. Kind of sad but this is more or less standard these days. There are great parts in the show, that's why it's so sad. The special effects and the wardrobe are great too.

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So disappointing. Especially if you know the books. Too many random changes. Very bad dialogues. Not that amazing acting either. Mixing the crows and shadow & bone story was a horrible idea as well. So sad.

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Shout by zombiebxxk
BlockedParent2021-04-23T20:10:31Z— updated 2021-05-07T19:58:52Z

First episode is quite good. Dialogue feels a bit clunky but I guess it's to be expected with the world-building they have to do (and it being a YA show). The CGI looks fantastic and the acting is fine.

The fantasy world looks very intriguing. Altough I wish they would have shown a map. As someone that hasn't read the book (and someone that loves maps) it would have really helped to make sense of all the different countries and their relations.

EDIT Finished the show. It's very good all around. Very cool fantasy world and sets up even more interesting seasons.

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Second season did not have one bright moment. Magic and storytelling got boring and predictable :/

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Well after the foundation of a season 1 that I found some kind of a slow dark, intriguing and very stylished show, I have to say that this season 2 is tremendous and really worth the wait: they level it all up by fast pacing the story that really looks like an 8hours marathon with way much more action speed, a bit more of violence without forgetting a big up to visuals that I really appreciate ( costumes, buildings, architecture, landscapes,...) You finally jump blindfolded with this very exotic cast ( old & new) build with both a mix of cultures and this mix of real, magic, People, royalty something coming from Jules Vernes where actually everyone is fighting...they made it very entertaining and so far this season is way much more enlightened by the cast and the rythm. Big up to the very talented team back and front. The final cut is greaaaat !!!! Netflix can be proud for this one

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its not that fabulous show
it isnt that bad to watch
i think we have enought characters to give some curiosity about theirs stories

i suppose they will try a second season at least

give it a try if you are curious, and if you like this "mythicals" worlds

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Exceptional effects. But the show expected you to know something about what you were watching.

Scripts were maddeningly break-necked paced. I will need to rewatch before the next season.

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Why won't they be a season 3??

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This a LGBT+ show, if this is your thing go for it if it isn't then do what I did. Skipped those scenes.

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so far i like it. it's not the best show, but it reminds me a lot of shows that i liked as a teenager, all mixed together in shadow and bone. im def. gonna watch season 2. i would've loved to read the books. they must be even better than the show.
i think some people might find it very boring to watch because it can be frustrating not understanding every bit they throw at us + some things move fast and others, slow. So i guess it takes a little patience to get to know the show and if u don't, then this isn't one for you.. it just reminds me of teen wolf mixed with harry potter and avatar haha.

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I was surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did. It's very uneven. Excellent actors, horrible actors, some awful dialog, a few characters you really care about, but still I kept coming to find out what happens next. Rather like the Witcher in that respect.
I'd be interested in the Crow spinoff of it occurs. I was always more invested in them than in the darkling/sun summoner.
If you enjoyed this, you might like the Arthdale Chronicles, too. Different but similar.

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I was pleasantly surprised with this show all around. The storyline is unique but can be hard to follow sometimes. Season 2 was better and had me binge watching 3 episodes a day, not normal for me. the characters are well thought out and each have their own personality. I feel like anyone can watch this show and relate to a character. I actually felt like the two main characters, the whole light versus dark couple, were the least interesting and poorly acted. But the supporting characters/actors steal the show for sure. I'm picky about my shows. And I can understand it not being for everyone. But Fantasy geeks will love it. The setup for season 3 looks great!

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I loved what they did with Season 2. They condensed book 2+3 and part of Six of Crows. Took out the boring bits. The Crows are my favourite so I'm glad they had so much more screen time.

Some of the attempts at pairing up the couple were a minor fail. It failed to give me All The Feel as the books did. Hopefully, there will be a Season 3 to get it right.

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I just watched this first season. I watched all eight episodes without any break. Damn I love this. Give us more! Give us season 2.

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[Netflix] Successful adaptation of the "grishaverse" with czarist influences whose character development is overshadowed in favor of the construction of the universe, but which contains good ideas, such as connecting the group of Six of Crows with Alina's story, which reinforces the narration. It also benefits from an excellent Joseph Trapanese soundtrack and a good fantasy environment.

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Got better as it progressed.

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I’ve been getting pretty disappointed with Netflix lately, but this.... this did not disappoint. Very, very good series. Easy to binge. And like most other fantasy-based fans, I wager, I’m already itching for season 2.

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Season 1 made me wanna read the books cause I loved it, so I read the trilogy and loved it as well. Season 2 had me dragging to watch it... Now that it's cancelled I had to DNF it cause I don't wanna sit through another two boring hours for nothing... (I did scroll through the eps cause I'm curious but still not worth it). They could've done just one more season to finish the damn books!

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Well I'm loving it. I was afraid it was another disappoing show from Netflix, like The Irregulars, oh boy was I wrong.
From the acting to the scenarios you get pulled in to the story. I hope you all love this as much as I'm loving it.

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Season one was good and I looked forward to the second one.
As soon as the second season started I lost interest and stopped watching…
The woke pc injected garbage was so overpowering and the now all young cast just can’t carry the show, at least in the first season we had some age range, which gave us some depth…

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Solid, better than the book. The best part is the crow's storyline, Alina's is still kind of bland. Interesting and exciting to have a good fantasy show. I hooe they fix the pacing issue though.

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Overall I was happy with this. I'm a bit 50/50 in terms of the casting for this adaptation and I don't think some of the storylines were handpicked with care from the book but overall I think that this adaptation got the action scenes spot on.

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Solid show and adaptation! I really enjoyed the changes they made to parts of the story and how much more I enjoy certain characters in the tv show version. (Looking at you, Mal) Not quite the next Witcher but definitely better than Fate. My only qualms were with Ben Barnes' acting (very stiff, like he didn't want to be there) and with Nina and Matthias feeling a bit rushed. Although I'm willing to look over it since they had very little time and two other bigger plotlines to juggle. I'm hoping in the second season there's more of a slow burn there.

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The show is yet another mediocre adaptation distributed by Netflix with poor character developments and a messy plotline. Characters felt flat with their dull backstories; even characters who died have no real impact on us viewers. Although the costumes and atmosphere look pretty amazing to look at, you can easily be distracted by how some of the CGI effects are noticeably bad; Yes, I'm looking at you, Alina (For some reason, it reminds me of how Netflix handled Iron Fist's glow). However, the soundtrack was great to listen!

All I can say is if you have read the Grishaverse novels, then you might be for a treat as you already have come to love the characters and have the knowledge of how a Grisha works. If you are just a casual viewer, then you'd be left out with no explanations whatsoever. It's like the show assumes you've read the books on what they can do.

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Could only do 3 episodes it's pure garbage

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Intriguing world and premise, but the terrible pacing and uneven quality destroys a promising show.

Characters are fairly one dimensional, especially their introductions are lacking. The plot moves at the speed of a bullet train launched into space, which especially hurts the world building and character development. It also causes the themes to be hardly explored, and side plots to feel trivial. CGI and cinematography are a mixed bag, ranging from nice to terrible (especially the color filter is often hideous), The acting is ok in general, but dialogue can be uneven.

About halfway into the 1st season, the show stabilizes somewhat, but it never recovers from the problematic opening, making any investment in the characters and world shallow at best.

It is a waste because the world seems highly interesting, and I have to assume it deserves much better than this uninspired work.

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It irritates me that they make a big deal about removing Alinas' scars but completely ignore the giant one on her forehead.

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So every male character is weak, stupid or irresponsible and 90% of the black characters are gay? Oh yeah this is a great show. Fuck off with this shit!!!

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Meh, it was ok. I think this should’ve stayed as a book, I haven’t read it but it just didn’t work tbh

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Shout by DylanKing1999
BlockedParent2021-05-01T21:30:53Z— updated 2021-05-04T07:19:35Z

The story is unoriginal YA-type fantasy, made worse by the fact that it all feels pretty rushed. But at least the production is high quality.

Definitely not a must see, but it's a decent way to pass the time if you have nothing better to watch.

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Overall, pretty good. Most of the characters were likeable, and as someone who hasn't read the books everything was very clear and easy to understand. Honestly, a lot of it felt like a book, it had twists that were more novel-like vs TV-like which I very much enjoyed. More adaptations should take lessons from this show.

My only frustration was the overall pacing. I'm unsure if it was that the episodes were too long or something else, but by the final 2 episodes I was watching at 2.2x speed because it felt like it faffed about. Too much of the overall 1st season felt like setup rather than story. This could 100% just be a side effect of being a first season with many things that need setting up, so I'll definitely be watching the second season.

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I love this great series. And yet it is just beginning. Just wow. Even though the budget wasn't sufficient enough. But this series is totally ninja. And have potential to be with same standing as GOT.

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Really good show. I don't know anything about the series but the show is well produced. It's hard to pull off fantasy like this. My only complaint is that there's a lot to take in about the world. The series throws off names of places and races all too fast. A nice show to unwind.

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Less storyline and world building. More wow factor chasing scenes.
Definitely not for adults
Also the lead character behaves like a 13 year old.

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Love this show! Just love it.

The story is good, the actors and actresses are convincing, there are no major plotholes and they didn't "lecture" while bringing up some issues (mainly racism and alienphobia - although against asians and not against black people for once).

10/10 for season one!

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Shout by Martin Kopischke
BlockedParent2021-05-02T08:49:26Z— updated 2022-01-12T10:34:39Z

This was the perfect show to watch with my son, who is currently a sucker for the kind of fantasy stories that, well, let’s say: are not known for their literary qualities. Shadow and Bone has all the appeal of these, but stands distinctly above them in quality. While neither the plot nor the character arcs of the first season hold any surprises, and the “steampunk, but with magic” turn of the 20th century Russia world-building is nothing to write home about, it is consistently well designed, shot and paced, excellently cast (kudos for avoiding the “all the pretty people” pitfall so many YA formats seem to fall into), has decent minority representation and nary a “oh come on, now” moment.

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It was an entertaining show but the lead chatter is so boring. Literally she’s useless for all 8 episodes except for maybe about total of 1 minute.

This show is more about the supporting cast of characters who carry the whole season forward but unfortunately there is no background on them or even character development. And Mal literally almost dies every episode, he’s got 9 lives.

Hopefully there is better storytelling & character development in season 2 as well as giving more screen time to the side stories / supporting cast.

Over all it’s a quick watch where you won’t get that bored but don’t except amazing acting by the lead character.

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Totally fabulous! Definitely worth the watch. I can't believe I will have to wait a year for the 2nd season.

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Dropped because netflix canceled the serie after season 2.
First season was pretty fun.

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I think you probably need to have read the books to appreciate this.
I haven't and I thought it was okay (just).

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I loved this show so much! I have read the shadow and bones trilogy and I was not disappointed… I liked how they made it similar to the books but still made their changes such as the six of crows… I loved and I’m excited to see how they make the second season work

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Putting modern day culture stuff into times that are represented in the movie doesn't seem right to me at all. If you're doing everything by the book don't put stuff which wasn't in the book simple as that. 6/10 for this.

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This was a really good fantasy/action show. I was a little lost early on as the history of current events unfolded. But this is more of a personal pet peeve.
The story was fresh and interesting. Very glad to know season 2 is in fact happening.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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For the first time in my life, I can proudly say that I enjoyed the TV show more than the book. The actors did an amazing job bringing the story to life.

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Very good fantasy and suspense series. Good adaptation of the books. I loved the atmosphere and the world they create. Recommended.

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The story finally gets interesting in Episode 6-8 and then stops abruptly.

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After only reading the main shadow and bone trilogy a long time ago (and having loved it), it was actually a little disorienting coming into this series and realizing there are several other big plot lines happening simultaneously across Ravka. However, I came to love how beautifully what I assume is the Six of Crows plot melds with the Shadow and Bone trilogy.

The visual effects and scenery throughout the show were high class and this epic fantasy series is thrilling to watch. It honestly is a good show to binge and immerse yourself in for awhile.

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So far this is an interesting fantasy show. It's not great, probably won't ever be my favorite, but it's different and I applaud anyone who doesn't just regurgitate "the formula" over and over again (I mean, how many CSI and NCIS shows do we really need?).

The part that I did not like about this show is how they rushed through the entire back-story of why things are the way they are. It's really poorly done and I actually had to go out to Wiki to read the book overview to get an understanding of the show about half way through the first episode.

One thing we can count on: if you love this show Netflix will cancel it after one or two seasons. If you hate it, it'll be on for five seasons or more. Netflix is more wishy-washy about their series than any network ever could be.

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A good show. A bit slow in parts, but overall well worth a watch. :thumbsup_tone1:

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OMG I genuinely enjoyed this show. I want to read the books now and cannot wait for the 2nd season. Although obviously there is a "leading" character, there would be none if all characters would not be there. I think it's a blast!!

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This show is great. Definitely enjoyed it. Don't listen to all the negative comments yet. Watched it first and you'll be shocked that you actually will enjoy it.

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not quite the next game of thrones but i definitely enjoyed this. loved the grisha trilogy so will be interesting to see where this goes :grinning:

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I'm kinda upset at Shadow and Bone finale changes but coalescing Six of Crows into the story was brilliant and at bringing comical relief and better character development than the titular book of Grishaverse.

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Great series! It's not often we have a novel to TV series adaptation this great!

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I struggled through 6 episodes and then gave up. The visuals of the series are really high class. Unfortunately, the actors are rather middle class. The story is boring. Too bad, but it doesn't encourage me to finish the season. I certainly won't do myself a second one.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2021-06-02T17:19:00Z— updated 2023-06-23T19:25:14Z

I tried hard to like this, for no other reason than I enjoyed reading Six of Crows, but reality set in around ep. 3 and I had to accept that although the novel works for adults, this doesn't extend to the show.

The Alina plot is a snoozer and unfortunately that takes the most screen time. There's also something really off about her portrayal, namely slurred/rushed lines and exaggerated body language–though I attribute that mainly to poor directing.

Even the fun clever banter I remember from the book between Kaz or Nina and others, did not make it into the screenwriting here, resulting in flat characters and overall dull ambience.

The haphazard pacing isn't doing any favors to viewers unfamiliar with the Grishaverse. A voice-over narrated prologue (like the one in LotR) would have gone a long way in establishing early interest.

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I just watched the first episode. I didn't understnd anything about this. I don't know where thay are, what they are doing, why they are doing whatver they're doing. i was just lost. I know this is based on a book ( Ihaven't read and I won't read it). I expected to understand the show without being part of the book fandom.

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Starts with a large blackhole area drawn on a map that has to be avoided. It seems like this will be some important aspect of the show, but then the scene changes and then the show is about a mass of people just talking to each other about God knows what.

There is a large collection of scenery and massive amounts of various people, but no plot.

Can't really see how anyone finds this entertaining.

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Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2021-12-03T17:34:18Z— updated 2021-12-12T17:18:52Z

Ben Barnes is the only good thing about this show, the rest of the cast is terrible. The characters are flat, the plot is boring and the great visuals can't make up for it. I can't say I'm surprised though, the books have all the same issues.

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Pure shitshow well done again netflix

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You'll know exactly the tone of this show when you see the scene with our special teen girl protagonist walks into the tent of the highest ranked general's army and he's a dude the exact same age as her wearing black biker gear.

Sets are fun to look at though. 4/10.

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After a two-year hiatus, Shadow and Bone season 2 returned to Netflix in early 2023, and after months of waiting, it’s finally been confirmed that Shadow and Bone won’t return for a third season

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Excellent special effects and an exciting script! An option option for Shanara series orphans :smiley:

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