Shouts about...

Shrill: Season 3

3x05 No

HAS ANNIE EVER ASKED ANYONE HOW THEY ARE DOING????? I've never see her ask like "hey amadi/dad/mom/fran/maureen how are you doing, what's new with you?" It's always ME ME ME ME.
I'm so shocked at that article cause I thought it was supposed to be like an expose, that's why last comment I was like isn't her reporting odd? cause what can you get about them out of that experience? I thought she was going to make a "feminist" piece of like how that separatist old lady though being feminisit was like serving her husband vs how Annie sees feminism or some mumble jumble like that, I never thought she would write about eating pie and shooting guns with them, like this isn't your journal, but everything is so quirky to her, she's like peak white feministm I don't know if this is on purpose?
And Em meeting Fran's mom was so heartwarming!!!!! I get why Fran could feel like invaded somehow but it was a cute moment.
Can we get a spin off of Fran working at the salon and ricochet and em!!

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