Shouts about...

Silicon Valley 2014

I watched this series episode by episode since 2014. I can't remember how many times I've binge-watched the whole series since it ended in 2019. The characters and their antics make me laugh and feel good every single time. They never get old. The Internet will never forget them either, there will be memes from this series for years to come.

IMHO ...

Best comedy series for software engineers / tech people: Silicon Valley
Best serious drama series for software engineers / tech people: Mr. Robot

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It starts great but it gets repetitive really fast because they do EXACTLY THE SAME every season, also Richard is probably the most annoying character ever made.
The only good think after season 3

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I never got the chance to watch this series until I heard about it on Twitter. Highly recommended to anyone that enjoys having a good time.

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This best part about this show is the cast. I did miss T.J. Millers character dearly, but the rest of the cast had me laughing a few times every episode. Watching this all on a binge, I do say that it did feel little formulaic as the seasons would go on. Overcome a massive problem, have brief success and have it all come crashing down. Still was fun watching them troubleshoot and grow. Worth watching!

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Would have been a 9/10 if they had stopped at season 4... season 5 was bla, and season 6 was wtf... i start to hate this show, how is it possible because i loved this show in season 1-4.

Great characters, if you are an it'r please do not get annoyed with the IT bullshit they scripted, the story was oke and it was fun to watch.

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I couldn't understand why i watched the show further after season 4, but i did, and season 5 was just trash... It ended extremly stupid...

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Dumbest Series finale I've watched in a long time. And I really liked all the other seasons and episodes! They owe their fans an apology for such a ridiculous ending. … I wonder if they are going to take their awards back???

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Shout by infek

This show was great but dropped in quality as soon as Erlich was killed off , the moments of constantly laughing became less so thus the enjoyment of the show dropped.

Still worth a watch but there's definitely a quality drop. Last episode was nice.

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Shout by Simon Schubert

Great show to watch and good that the show came to an end.
But too bad that Elrich disappeared. He was the funniest character.

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An insult to actual engineers.

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Loved the series, but hated the ending. Felt way too rushed. Definitely worth checking out.

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Third season announced just after first episode had been released. Yahoo!

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To me, this was an incredibly easy show to love. It has short and sweet seasons that always have a particular charm to them that made it very enjoyable. Sure, when TJ Miller leaves a small smidge of that charm goes away, but it is still good television thereafter. I do not think this will be a show for everyone, but it is definitely in consideration for my personal favorite HBO show and one I think everything should at least check out.

Average Season Review: 8.33/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Nerdy Comedy Fans)

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If you love Silicon Valley I suggest checking out the Amazon series "Betas" but it was sadly cancelled after one season.

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I'm pretty sure I never watched season 6. I'm unsure on season 5 as well, finally have HBO again. I guess I'll rewatch the whole show? Definitely remember it being ridiculous yet enjoyable watch.

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Loved this show. Story of a tech company launched and developed in the Silicon Valley, I haven’t found other shows as good as this one on this category.
The tech stuff is kind of realistic (specially for people like me, with basic level of knowledge in technical stuff). I felt it went a bit unrealistic near the end of the show, but I was ok with that for the fact that it allowed the storyline to evolve.
Jian-yang and Russ, absolutely my favorite characters :joy:

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funny show but gets very repetitive as the seasons go by, it’s good tho

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It's a great show, except the last season, that was awful...

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With the last chapter they ruin the año serie....

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Shout by Rayuki

brilliant stuff! this is gonna be a goodun

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Shout by Alex

Renewed for a 2nd season already... fine with me, enjoying it so far!

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s05: it's more like a shadow of the last 4 seasons.

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Shout by Deleted

You think the early seasons of Big Bang were good, nerdy and geeky? Watch Silicon Valley and think again. Couldn't recommend this show more. It's great for tech lovers, programmers, geeks and even people who are none of those and just need a good laugh!

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best comedy tv show on this whole damn planet

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This show is definitely the best show out there. I was a little sad when TJ Miller left the show but all in all it was still amazing right to the end. I wish I could get amneisia so I could experience watching this show all over again. I felt like I wanted to be in the team right along with them. I'll miss the Dinesh Gilfoyle banter for sure. Honestly, i'm quite sad it's over UGH

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"Silicon Valley" is one of those shows you might never laugh out loud to, but it provides a lot of clever humor at a certain pitch you'll learn to appreciate a lot by the third season. I especially enjoy (and get frustrated by!) the constant roadblocks that come out of nowhere as the characters fight to get their product to the market. It's a great addition to HBO's lineup - a succinct and carefully crafted comedy I look forward to every week.

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I usually don't watch comedy series but this,.. it's awesome!

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This show is amazingly awesome! I'm in no way a programmer, although I do take an interest in the tech world, but I love this show! You don't have to be a "brain" to enjoy the humor or understand the defining moments of the season. You just have to have an open mind and be cool with dark humor, irony, and satire. I recommend this show to lovers of The Big Bang Theory, It's Always Sunny, Workaholics, or Supernatural (because the innuendos are frequent in both). It's a great show and I'm thrilled it was renewed. The season finale was more interesting that I imagined it would be. Proud of the show for being different and making complex technology subjects lively and fun!

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What a great serie! If you dream about how a tech company starts at Silicon Valley, this is your serie!

I recommend!

And what a great end of first season.

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4th season announced for April 24th 2017! Hazzzah!

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Decided to watch it again. Such a great show

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A strong first season. I am really enjoying the ensemble... a well balanced cast with a hint of ridiculousness. The plot turns can be outlandish, but it sets it apart.

It's hard not to compare to Betas (interesting how they both started at similar times and both deal with competitive launch dates/apps) but I feel the craziness of Silicon Valley (particularly in Erlich, Peter Gregory and Jared) keeps me choosing this over that.

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I was expecting a lot more for some reason but was sadly disappointed :(

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This show is the real shit I'm so impressed !! its incredibly funny, the writing is very witty, smart and cunning and the cast is just outstanding go watch this show if you want a good laugh

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Shout by Deleted

I have been enjoying Silicon Valley up to season 2, but now I need to catch up. What does everyone think about the series now and where its going?

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I was worried it would be like HBO's version of The Internship, luckily it wasn't so.

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Shout by Deleted

Cant wait for the next season coming in April!!!
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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Shout by Deleted


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hilarious show, definitly recommended even if you are not too much into techstuff

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keeping that nerdy :D so good i love it!

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keeping that nerdy :D love it, basically my live!

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Shout by Deleted

@cupcaken24 Have you seen Betas? Better I think.

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I'm enjoying this series, and its funny without too much tech stuff that the wife even enjoys most episodes

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One good show it is.

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Awesome show... Very nerdy and funny and real enough for those on this persue to conquer the Tech world. Lovin' it! Be an asshole!

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Shout by Deleted

not sure about this one yet, I'll give it a few more episodes.

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I just loved this series the characters are excellent and all funny. I will miss my fix of comedy

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Shout by Deleted

Season 2's even better than the first. Loving it.

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Alright this Covid shit has us inside wayyy too much. I have no idea how missed this years ago. Totally hilarious show! :rofl::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Its about a few coders who are starting a new company. The comedy is priceless with these one liners that have me waking my dogs up @4am cause im really LOL'n. I found the 1st season alright, 2nd & 3rd way funnier.

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Shout by Deleted

Code gay and the mean jerk time was the best in season 1.

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Shout by Deleted

So funny. Especial y for IT pros..
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Loving it.. The tech references are awesome... You have to be geek level 7 to get some... HA ha

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so boring after episode 4 always kindof same jokes ... i expected more...

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Is this really a comedy? If yes, then the humor is beyond me. I watched 3 episodes and I didnt smile even once. Feels more like a misplaced documentary of a silicon valley startup. Or something like that.

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Time to kill this show. (They find
some great new way to use their technology - >they f*ck up massively, mostly by just being idiots - > some miracle happens thats saves them) formula was done for like 20 times by now, and it's getting seriously frustrating. I'm done with this show.

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Watched the first episode and did not continue! Meh!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Great series with a great finale. although i don't like how they present tech companies, like they are only formed by males (via Clutter for Windows Phone)

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Vladislav

I like, Super, Very Cool)

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