Shout by JasperKazai

I assumed that the fact Richard radically changed the code in the S1 finale was going to come into play. Meaning that Hooli only had claim to that version of Pied Piper, and current Pied Piper was still going to belong to Richard. But, no, that did not factor in whatsoever.

And yeah I get that everything being happy wouldn't be all that funny, but this is just starting to feel like a misery simulator.

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"and what about me?"

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And despite all the obvious fuck ups, they won eventually

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Shout by Adam

Good episode but I feel it was a bit anti climactic at the end with Richard arriving just in time to stop the deletion of the database.

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I can't wait for the 3rd season!

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Fight the urge to hate the show because you feel like Charlie Brown to Lucy - remember that this is one of the most realistic portrayals of the Silicon Valley and the business world, and importantly, that the show probably wouldn't be as interesting if things just worked out perfectly after two seasons.

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Shout by Deleted

Lol, nothing can ever go well for this group of people.

Also, I like that reference to actual history by firing Hendricks just like how Steve Jobs was fired from Apple for awhile, but he, Steve Jobs, returned with the comeback of the 90s after flopping with his own attempt at a new tech company (NeXT). So, I feel like something along those lines may happen in season 3, especially with the constant Steve Jobs love from Bachmann in Season 1.

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I literally was sitting on the edge of my seat and yelling lol

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Shout by Kolja

This one had me at the edge of my seat, hoping everything goes okay. Looking forward to the next season, but man do I hate that cliffhanger...

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Silicon Valley is an awesome show. Is also a really weird one, its protagonist is incredibly annoying, clumsy and NOT funny, but the secondary characters are THE BEST. In that note, i LOVE the ending, Erlich asking for his position in the company, voicing our concerns. We don't care about Richard, we care about Erlich.

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That's it, i'm done with this show. It's not even funny anymore, and the end is just cruel and doesn't make any fucking sense. I don't give a shit about happy endings usually but seriously, this season is just about torturing Richard and the team, and when in the end you think everything is finally going well, well it's not because they fire fucking Richard without any fucking reasons. Guess i'll have to create a "disappointement" list just for this show.

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It's been a while since an episode ended on a high note... It's getting kinda difficult to believe it when things go well as it now seems almost 100 percent likely that things are gonna go badly in the end.

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