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Silo: Season 1

1x10 Outside

Oh daaamn, double twist. Nice one.

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3 words: Final. Three. Seconds.

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To anybody asking themselves "why display the green environment, even if just for the few moments before they die":
Well, so they'd clean the lens of course. A simple and cheap trick so nobody unpunished has to go outside to do so...

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OMG! Just when I thought I had it figured out. :astonished:

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Tbh, I don't remember the books that well because it was 7ish years ago.
But I really liked how they did the show! I know it's very slow, but for me that only ads to the atmosphere and gets me to be interested in the characters more.

For everyone who didn't read the book and was confused by the ending:
1) They usually used faulty heat tape for the suits, so they should fail to keep the toxic air out after some minutes. Jules' friends got her the "good stuff", so she survived.
2) The display in the helmets was to trick people into cleaning. If they thought that the outside was nice, they would try to show it everyone else through getting the sensor clean. I guess the display of Juliette just stopped working after she was too far away from the signal from the silo, so that's why hers stopped at the end.

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What a show!
I'm very much enjoying Silo. The character development is very good especially as most of them are complex.

The agoraphobic character plays it very well, although it possibly would've come off a little better if she had a few more attempts than she did throughout season 1.

I haven't read the books so I have no idea the direction the show is going to take us, but it's the journey not the destination that's important for a show like this.

Love this show and gave this season a 9. I don't do 10's.

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What an season finale. It will be an excruciatingly long wait for season two. :astonished:

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The fact we see other silos is nuts! How can they be that close and not know. I am guessing the big doors in the deep lead to the other silos. This is crazy, and fun.

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Boring AF. 10 episodes to get this ending. They could’ve gotten here in 6 episodes. Season 2 will be about her slowly walking to the silo. And season 3 will be her getting into one of the other solos. And so on. You get the idea.

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Who's up for "Season 2: Silos"?

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Again, coming from a disgruntled reader of the book series so take my comments as you will.

So, we’ve finally reached the point of the story that actually matters only to have the show end the season there. Blah.

The entire first season (about half the first book) was composed entirely of filler sub plots that I can tell you are nowhere near as enthralling and fleshed out as the ones in the book. I still see no need to make up these subplots when the original story had better ones that lended themselves to the eventual resolution.

Whatever. I’m allowed to stop watching this show now. I was done four episodes ago but I felt the need to give the creators the benefit of the doubt.

Side note: the ending shot sequence was the best looking sequence of the entire show — the sets from inside the silo that they designed look so fake and cheap it’s extremely off putting.

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ok I just want to know who poisoned that mayor lady in the first half of the season

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Shout by deejay gavan
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-10-13T21:22:25Z— updated 2023-10-16T12:40:20Z

so Juliette leaves Silo 18, if they are sticking with the books then hopefully she will be in Silo 17 in the next season

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Wow! What the actual fuck! Questions leading to answers leading to more questions.... There's hundred of silos out there.... That didn't even crossed my mind a tiny bit. What a good twist! The underground door is linking them all for sure! Can't wait for season 2! Great plot! Good actors! Good story!

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she knows !

US : she knows what ?!......

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Final twists got me.wondering what's the purpose & boom cliffhanger, either way this was the best show to get in a while.

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Awwww dang-it! How’s it gunna end like that!? Now i gotta go buy the books. No way im waiting for season 2 to find out what happens next :triumph:

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Solid episode to end Season 1. So pumped for Season 2! Very curious on how it will play out!

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Nothing solve, just more questions.

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I love it when a show leaves you hanging and curious....way more curious than you thought you are. 2024 seems very distant now.

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Just as expected, watched 10 episodes of this show to have almost no questions answered and it ends on a cliffhanger. It's a very a big ask of the viewers these days to get engaged in shows like these, when there's zero guarantee it gets to the end of the plot before the platform decides to cancel it.

I'm not familiar with the books but as others pointed it, season 1 only covers a portion of it. Why? Why does it have to take 6 seasons to get to the end, when there's clearly no need. Ep 4-7 were fillers, wasting times. They couldve made 12 episodes, cut some subplots and probably finish the whole first book.

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This is an incredible show, reading books now. Apple as usual leading the pack with streaming by far, by sticking the the fundamentals of good casting, writing and storytelling.

Netflix on the other hand, is prioritizing wokeness over story telling and bombing the only good IP it has left with political nonsense that rivals the CW.

Wokeness in tv/film has nothing to do with diversity, political leanings or LGBT. It has to do with injecting those things at the expense of the story telling or casting, to the point where it breaks the immersion of the story itself and plays like a political action ad with poor actors and writing.

Apple knows this, and in its headline shows its perfected creating diverse shows that tell great stories with great writers and great acting without it feeling like forced political action.

10/10 for the story
9/10 for the attention to source, anything added or changed felt right and felt like it built the world more.
0/10 woke score. Nothing about this felt forced, political or in poor taste aka woke. It had a great, diverse cast who crushed it.

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What was the point of using a hologram to project a fake luscious green if in reality, it was exactly the same as what they're displaying in the silo?

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How did she not die, when others did? I thought they pump poison gas through the helmet, that causes them to die. So, what happened?

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Shout by Jecht Sin

So, now what? She goes out banging every door? Jumping in front of the sensors? I loved this season,, but at the end it created even more questions!!

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Shout by Reza

A glorious end to the first season. After watching the second episode, I wrote about the unreal atmosphere in the comments and my prediction was correct. The world outside the silo is like the world after a nuclear explosion. A destroyed world full of many silos with many stories. In my opinion, in the second season, we will see Juliet in a new silo where she is thinking of discovering the secret of the number of silos from the eyes of the silo residents.

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Well it was obvious that the image shown inside the suit visors were fake from the second episode, but it still doesn't really make sense that that would encourage anyone to clean… Even if you think that the world outside is beautiful, you should know that no one inside can see it, no matter how much scrubbing you do on that sensor.

Nice job with the heat tape thing though; I totally ignored that despite them mentioning it like fifty times. And her spiel about it being defective I barely paid any attention to.

After watching the whole season I'm still genuinely unsure whether I consider this to be a good show. It was entertaining overall… and I was generally hooked throughout, but there's a heck of a lot of lazy writing and overacting.

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Cool, so was it the tape that kept her alive and is that why he tripped out so hard when she stole the tape the first time?

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Double twist to the max!

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Shout by Aid45

I'm confused. What the hell happened?
I suppose those other craters are other silos and the surface really is still bad?
But why make the helmets display a nice scene, (is that was she said?) and why bother turning off the display?

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Very strong finale that maintained the tone of the show and provided answers we've been waiting for while also throwing in more twists and raising more questions to be explored in season 2. Maybe still not the most memorable finale when it was said and done, but everything came together nicely and they did a nice job of coming full circle and closing things out while still leaving room for more and I am genuinely intrigued for the next season to see where things will go.

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I don’t understand ending twist, need to think about it more

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Shout by Terrence

Just when you think youve got it all worked out, outisde is a double fake?!? Can’t wait for season 2

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Sorry but I can’t wait 1 year to see the next season,I gonna read the books,fuck this season finale was too. Good

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Shout by Greg

Im a bit disappointed. It was obvious for me already since mid season that there would be more silos. So I didn’t get anything new from this ending. Very disappointed. Could have told us more.

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Crawl Out Through the Fallout

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They got me fair and square, alright. But what I'm really wondering is who's in charge of updating the holograms with the new corpse every time. Is it Bernard, since he commands everyone else to look away before he restores it? Does that mean if he just dies, Sims or any other successor would have to learn how to do it without a mentor?

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They ripped off Snowpiercer with that final scene!

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Meh, imo there should have been a better reward for the viewer. The show should have moved on to the next mystery instead of prolonging the same mystery or at least just give something more. How did they die? Is what we see even real? They could easily turn it around again because we know for sure she sees a projection on her helmet screen. Why even bother with projecting a healthy environment?

All right with that out of the way. I had a feeling there were more silos. I've been been having matrix vibes where people are being exploited for energy or something else. Perhaps there is an elite community, or even a whole civilization out there somewhere that needs the people in the silos to operate the generators. Or maybe those generators do more than just generate energy.

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It was an alright ending and it took me a while to understand that the video from the hard drive is the feed they send to the headset of the cleaners (the reason to do that makes no sense to me though, I know the writers explained but it's a bs explanation) but truth be told that show peaked at episode 2 and that ending doesn't feel rewarding for the investment of 10 episodes of almost an hour each. I'm probably out for season 2 if it's going to follow the same pattern.

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And of course it's the season finale! Better get a second season or we riot!

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Shout by Deleted

I knew it actually. To be fair. I read it. So, yeah, also what's coming is/was quite obvious.

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My life is too tight, he wanted to say. My skin is too tight. The walls are too tight.

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