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Smallville: Season 4

4x22 Commencement

I liked the end of the season, I think Lex's story is going to take another direction.
I hope Lana realizes that Lex loves her (in a certain way) but anyway.
I hope the story progresses well

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Shout by Aars

I’m so happy that at least Clark got his diploma! And his parents got to see that moment even tho it was ruined one second later.
The Kents packed the whole house!!!! Like there was furniture in the back of the truck but they let the cows there to rot.
Jason literally got his name out of that horror movie!!! He was shot and then he fell from a cliff!!!! But somehow he made it out alive, and the Kents were so dumb, it was two vs a dying and deranged man and they couldn’t do it.
And I no longer like Lex, he was so ugly to lana and chloe!

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