Best episode so far. This episode shows why Melanie is the best character on the show. I love her struggle and the fact that she's not perfect and has done terrible things she regrets to save humanity. This one comes full circle as we see from Melanie's pov the terrible person that Wilford is what ultimately led to her decision the night Snowpiercer left the world behind along with her daughter and Wilford. Was somewhat expecting an end like we did and now I'm super curious how that vile man Wilford kept Melanie from getting back on Snowpiercer .

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Are you serious right now? I was expecting Melanie would get back to the train by the end but ugh, I’m sure Wilford did something. I missed Melanie/Jennifer Connelly, she’s definitely the heart and soul of this show.

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Absolutely stunning episode. Melanie is such a great character.

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Finally an episode on Melanie and what's going on with her. Definitely one of the best episodes yet, I agree.

It could really have gone any other way, but oh dear... what happened on Snowpiercer in the meantime?

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I can forgive those episodes without her since we got a brilliant Melanie centric one. Fantastic journey for such a good character.
I'm so angry that she missed the train though. You know it's Wilford's doing!

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Contrary to most other reviewers I was not so keen on this one. Most likely culprit is the overdose on sentimentalism and eating too many disgusting rats. Of course Melanie is a an expert on skinning, flaying and expertly roasting rodents as well. The ending was a surprise though as I really thought she would catch the train - so we are in for an interesting end of season about what happened on Snowpiercer and will Melanie survive on another month of rat cuisine

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Why didn’t she ask about her parents when she met her daughter?

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Best episode of the season so far, it's nice to get back to the roots of fighting to survive in the apocalypse.

I really like that the entire episode is from Melanie's perspective, and that we get no information from Snowpiercer.

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Shout by Massimo Monteverdi

This show is disappointingly pointless. But this episode was awesome!

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I cared way much more for Melanie alone than the last episode about the whole train to be honest. Guess the next one would be about the drama that led to that ending... Another month eating rats, Melanie.

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Oh God I love Melanie, she's the best character. The best episode of the season so far

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