Shows and movies added individually by episode to track watch progress. Added in the order as covered by the Greatest Generation and the Greatest Trek podcasts.


All official Star Trek TV & movies in order of airing

This list is in need of an update!


2022-03-14 Added Picard season 2
2021-12-05 Added Discovery season 4, Lower Decks season 2, Star Trek: Prodigy season 1
2021-01-29 Added Discovery season 3
2020-09-08 Added Lower Decks season 1
2020-04-06 Added Short Treks season 2 and Picard season 1
2019-05-21 Added Discovery season 2 and Discovery special episodes

NB: Need to come back and interleave eps for Prodigy S1 and Discovery S4, airing concurrently

#franchise #star_trek #release_order #continuing


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


Based on the excellent work by the folks over at thestartrekchronologyproject.blogspot.co.uk/.

A comprehensive watch-order for Star Trek which counteracts some of the oddities within TOS' broadcast order (vs production order) as well as slotting in the films to their most likely positions.


When I watch something where the timeline of events are different from the official release order, I make a chronological list.

What is the "Roddenberry Timeline"?

The "Roddenberry Timeline" means all Star Trek produced within the same in-universe continuity that started with Gene Roddenberry's original Star Trek series. For other Star Trek media, see my "Modern Timeline" list. For the reboot movies, see my "Kelvin Timeline" list.

  • The order of this list revolves around the given stardate for an episode or movie. The calendar date given is extrapolated based on production order and the differences between stardates.
  • Most of The Animated Series episodes are using their revised stardates from the novelizations of those episodes. This corrects a large number of chronological issues.
  • If an episode or movie's calendar date and stardate is listed out of order, a justification is given in the notes for those episodes. Sometimes the canon dates are simply wrong.

(This list also includes the fan production Star Trek Continues because it is the highest quality and most period-faithful Star Trek fan series ever produced and because it fills in an important time gap between The Animated Series and The Motion Picture. This is just my personal preference, not official canon. If you disagree, you can simply skip those episodes without missing any important information. You should give them a try, though.)


Based off of The Star Trek Chronology Project's order at http://bit.ly/1LHfST4

Added Star Trek: The Animated Series, and plan on incorporating worthy Fan Fiction in future.


This list consists of all live action Star Trek series (except Enterprise) and movies in stardate order. It includes JJ Abrams' first Star Trek movie, as it's beginning shows repercussions from events seen in the last TNG movie.

TNG Season 1 Episodes are not listed in stardate order, as it would create continuity issues regarding Wesley Crusher's status.

Minor Star Trek II spoiler:
If TOS is viewed in stardate order, it explains why Khan recognized Chekov, as some episodes with him have stardates before Khan's first encounter with the crew of the Enterprise.


Star Trek Essentials Episode Selection
Updated in Jan. 2024

*Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks and Prodigy are in the list as a whole show.

**Discovery is in the list as seasons.


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine In 82.5 Hours. Credit: goo.gl/q26eK6


This lists the essential episodes recommended by Max Temkin as part of his Medium post:


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


DS9 episodes dealing with the Dominion war, includes episodes that flesh out the Dominion war arc
