Linus needs to admit he can’t use the transporter correctly :joy:

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This show is ruined by all the cringey forced drama. Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve!

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Michael must be the most one dimensional main character in a Star Trek series ever.

Always the same attitude initially, when she rebels. Always the same "empathic' reaction, when others react to her moods and unduly decisions.

And Sonequa adds poor performance, to maximize the effect of the bad writing and character development.
She has just one set of facial expression for being competitive/rebellious and one for regret/acceptance. Rinse and repeat.

Shame, because the episode wasn't great otherwise, but without the unnecessary drama about Michael, it was pretty okay.

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There was some cool new CGI in this episode :)

Michael disregarding a direct order was predictable and while the consequences might suck we got at least so see her and Book back together (even finally kissing :D).

That scene with Adira and Paul was also very nice as well as the discussion between Paul and Hugh.

And we learned more about Philippa's condition.

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All I know is that I would certainly learn how to use a personal transport device when there's a possibility of accidently teleporting oneself into the vacuum of space, or into an occupied privy...

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I suppose it is official - more tears mean more bad acting and bad writing.

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philipa swares some more, michael decides to ignore orders, all for a cat... this is boring, slack story.

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Good to see Michael was able to score some hair extensions during her year waiting.

This show is so weird now. Is it no longer a military ship?

So many I love yous.. dramatic music every scene.

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Shout by kinky

Discovery leaping into the future was the best thing that ever happened to this show. Yes, there's a wee bit too much action for Star Trek standards, Michael is still a terribly annoying character (specially considering she's still whispering all the time instead of talking like a normal person), and there's too much superfluous personal drama, but it's finally been truly enjoyable to watch Discovery. The eye candy has been absolutely gorgeous, this season (I wonder for how long will they be able to keep up with the high budget for this show), and Georgiou has been more fun than ever, quickly becoming my favourite character of the show.

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Shout by Ben

There’s been a marked shift in tone this season, to a much more self-contained episodic format, reminiscent of TOS, TNG and Voyager. Judged on that basis, this might be the best episode of the season so far. The junkyard rescue was plain fun, and everyone seemed to get something to do in the episode. It wrapped things up nicely. The failure to focus on the Burn and the difficulties that would be inherent in travelling one thousand years in the future is frustrating, but only if you focus on it. Thankfully enough happens in this episode that you don’t have to.

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This week's mission was enjoyable with Michael and Georgio, who are a reliably fun pairing, just like Saru and Tilly.

Again, the weak parts involved Adira and Gray, who seem like they'll be hanging around for the foreseeable future, which is a shame. It didn't help that their scenes involved Stamets, who I find pretty annoying at the best of times (I put this down to finding Anthony Rapp's performance a bit one note with his perma-constipated expression, which is a shame as I like Wilson Cruz as Dr Culber).

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Oh Michael Well you know I'm with you in all you decide and I will always have you're back because you can do no wrong in my eyes just like this Phenomenal Awesome exciting Show. That being Said I knew right from the beginning it was only going to end one way...
But you are a Hero and you did what needed to be done and that is what makes you so damn Awesome.
I loved paul and Aderia, so sweet so awesome.
And what a difficult situation Suru was put in and I feel for him and understand his decision.
Like Thor said in Ragnarok
I make grave mistakes all the time, everything seems to work out.

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why do Michael speak whispering all the time, even when other people around her are not?

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how I enjoy missions with Georgiou

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