Shout by Kat

Wow. Hemmer was easily becoming my favorite. Sad they killed off one of the only Alien main characters of the series.

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I like it : alien + start trek

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They always have to kill off my favorite character… :sob:

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Very heavy Alien vibes here. Fits nonethenless very good in here which is kind of a surprise but a very nice one.

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Would have been a great episode if they hadn't decided to pull the usual lazy ass Hollywood hack stunt and killed off one of the coolest characters.

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Shout by ShoMok

Let’s mix Aliens and Alien3 and kill off one of the more interesting characters instead of one of the annoying brats. Smart move.

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This was gloriously like one of those Dark Horse comic mashups from the late 90s, Robocop vs. Terminator and Batman vs Predator, etc. It's "Star Trek vs. Aliens" this time, and I dig how ST:SNW has taken the gorn - a clunky and somewhat silly rubber-suited antagonist from TOS, and made them a nightmare xenomorph clone with a hint of Predator mixed into the camera work and sound design. One could argue that it's derivative of Aliens (the little girl as Newt, Lt. Kirk as Hudson, Noonien-Singh as Ripley etc.), but it was a fun episode nonetheless and we can call it "inspiration."

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Are Spock's sideburns painted on? They were much wider in the scene with Nurse Chapel...

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Felt like a season finale to be honest - would hate to lose La'an but can't care less about Hemmer... and please give Uhura some personality outside of angsting about her future and otherwise being perky. Otherwise, alien rip-off... wonder why the Gorn in TOS didn't try to use Kirk for procreation...

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I love this show and it’s characters so much and this episode encapsulated that in the best way possible. That made the sacrifice even more hard to watch. It was logical but so sad. Live long and prosper. :vulcan:

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I definitely did not expect Hemmer’s death in this episode, as it seemed like it was closer to a classic TOS episode than something closer to the end of the Wrath of Khan.

I think it is nice that they started claiming other ships close to Constellation class as a different class but with similar designs, so that it makes possible that other ships in the Original Series are canonically different in some way. That was a nice touch.

Nearing the end of the season, and it does seem like they have set up characters so that next season becomes more episodic than this one was.

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I really enjoyed the first few episodes of this show. I thought they finally made a Star Trek I'll keep watching! Nope. This season has devolved into some of the worst writing and acting on any Trek series I've ever watched.

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and, weren't there are no more currency in star trek?
what's with spock must buy someone a drink?

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is this retcon what TOS has done? on how 'easy' for kirk defeat gorn?

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characters killings , a good trek does it

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Stop! Hemmer time!

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Shout by J_345

So you got rid of the best character La’an then one of the top next interesting characters another alien race which we need more of three killed in one mission thats not a good track record.

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1 mission, 3 dead. The track record of Pike is getting bad. I wouldn't go with him lol

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I did not expect that!

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Favorite episode so far I loved the alien stuff and it felt like horror at times. They made a huge mistake killing off the most interesting character what the hell

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Wow what a great episode. The whole season is fantastic. After the lovely last medieval episode we now got a great alien episode. Really loved it except for the slow start. And I‘ll really miss those two (Hemmer and La‘an)

What I don’t understand is why there are so many low ratings for last and this episode. Are there really Trekkies that don’t like it? Or are these „new Trekkies“ that only startet with Discovery and now want that same crap everywhere else?

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There is absolutely no way that this show was getting another season

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NO! Not Hemmer!! He was so cool.

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Shout by thomas

What was that? Alien born, transforming into geckos, spacemonster who fly high tech ships? What a crap. This series needs new writers and I would change some actors too.

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Cheezus did they just kill the most interesting character??
We need more non-human characters! Especially Andorians. Enough with the pink-skins!

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The only 2 interesting characters are gone. What remains is average, dull and uninteresting. Not promising

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A creatively bankrupt episode where once again the creators throw stuff from other franchises into Star Trek.
It continues to be a muddled mess, not knowing what it is and ultimately becoming neither of what it attempts to be.
It's almost hilarious were it not they are destroying - or have destroyed - a franchise that was the staple of science fiction for over half a century.


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Great episode. I might need to do an Aliens marathon.

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damn good episode after last weeks travesty, sad over Hemmer's death but not sorry to see La'an leave

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