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Star Wars: Andor

Season 1

Sorry but this is a boring slow badly written and terribly paced piece of crap. This is not Star Wars it’s not fun fast paced space adventure. Yes we all know the empire is soul crushing and bad the original movie managed to make that point in about 15 minutes. I already know what horrible corporate and government control looks like. I’ve seen real life.

The actors do a decent job it’s just not that much happened for 3 episodes then you get a little action. You could have done Solo and told great stories for seasons but compressed it all in to a badly reworked movie where this isn’t an enough story for a short movie.

The only redemption is Stellan Skarsgarrd and his amazing acting for the only interesting character in the show.

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This is the Star Wars series entry I didn’t know that I, adult lost-hope Star Wars fan and general genre junkie, didn’t know I needed. It’s not the Skywalker Saga. It’s smart, grown-up and serves fan-service on a much deeper level. Yeah: I love this.

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NOW THIS... is Star Wars! Andor has everything that other recent Star Wars offerings lack. Soul, depth, world building, mood... good v's Evil, The Rebellion, The Empire. Everything that made the original three films the cult classics they are today. A simple premise with great characters and a world to get lost in. Please make more of this!

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Shout by nicky2910
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-04-18T17:17:20Z— updated 2023-04-25T22:48:41Z

Very intense stuff. It's gritty, good people's hands get very dirty, and the empire was never shown more insidious and cruel. Luna and Skarsgaard, also Shaw, really shine in this, but honestly there are plenty of good performances. The score is brilliant. One might argue that the season could have been cut down to maybe 10 episodes, especially as the scenes on Cassian's homeplanet are too long and not relevant aside from introducing his foster parents (and it doesn't get explained why Cassian now, 15 years later suddenly searches for his sister... why now, why there?), but whenever the story apparently slows down, there's a highlight around the corner, such as the prison break and the final episode.

This show could be set in any time and universe, maybe that's why it has such an impact.

Eagerly awaiting the 2nd season.

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Gave a whole new meaning to Rebel cause by showing Imperial brutality, injustice, inner workings and cruelty. That prison was scary. And of course the Empire resorted to slaves - all expansive empires do. Also showed how the Rebel Alliance are not just pure ‘good guys’ but make difficult decisions and sacrifices - and are brutal as well.

All characters seemed real and nuanced - excellent actors, script etc. Liked how this is more dark and deals with more complex topics of morality and living in dictatorship/under occupation. The Mandelorian, BOBF, Kenobi are mostly entertainment (with various success) - Andor has a story to tell.

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Honestly it's a little overrated. There are whole episodes where it feels like nothing much has happened, and if you don't care about the gritty details of the political stuff which I suspect a lot of people won't, it can be quite boring. It certainly has it's high points as well, though. I'm looking forward to a more condensed tale in season 2.

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Andor is the best Star Wars "thing" that.

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Gonna keep it relatively simple. One of the best seasons of TV of the year, perhaps the best thing Disney+ has put out this year, and some of the best Star Wars we've gotten in a while. I absolutely love that we are getting to see another side of Star Wars and the underbelly of this world. As much as I love Skywalkers and lightsabers, those stories have been tapped enough and instead what this show provides is an incredibly fresh new take on the Star Wars world. The show is grounded and gritty with very tight writing and a story that is inspiring, tense, and rousing. The show also has a unique structure that I really enjoyed. Overall loving this type of Star Wars and can't wait for more.

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Definitely one of the better, if not the best, of the Star Wars spin off series. Actually inspired me to watch Rogue One again.

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As someone who's aggressively apathetic to all things Star Wars, this was good

Wasn't blown away by the first episode but it was just good enough to keep giving it a shot on an episode-by-episode basis and it got stronger with every episode. All around strong stuff from the production design (what had previously felt like silly laser pew pew space battles and magical weapons now felt real and tactile) to the acting (from known faces to new discoveries, big roles to 2-3 episode arc characters the cast was all-around so, so good) to the music (Niamos! is such a banger) and shout out to the sound design/engineering team (when the bell is struck, when the gears are put together at the prison work camp, the weights dropping from the ceiling and crashing to the ground at the end of episode 3, that dude getting his legs crushed by the pallet of gold bars, ALL of these things sounded like they had WEIGHT). I'm not about to go out and buy Star Wars bedsheets but it's made a believer out of me, if only for this one show

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Extremely compelling TV in the exciting and political world of Star Wars.

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I had no hype for this whatsoever, even after a recent rewatch of Rogue One (which is just okay) I thought that this couldn’t become fun or interesting. Boy, was I wrong.

It’s really refreshing to see a Star Wars-story without lightsabers swinging around. Seeing the birth of the rebellion like this is cool. It balances politics and action very well and they show the impact and power of the empire in a way that we only saw in the animated shows.

One of the few weak points are the standard prequel issues, like how it’s hard to built real tension when you know Cassian is going to be in Rogue One after this. Even with that, it’s a real fun watch.

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A show so good and singular it redefines what Star Wars can be. How can we accept riskless mediocrity after this? After such rich, topical themes, actors given something real to chew on, tight writing, practical living sets, tight scripts. Simply phenomenal.

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A must watch for the original fans of Star Wars who gave up after Return of the Jedi, survived JarJar and the sometimes messy 3D eye candy, and ditto story development of the franchise over the years. This was the right mix between scenery, characters, and story development done in the most respectful way by a great acting cast, and with a great promise for season 2.

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I'm gonna comment here before season 1 ends. This is the best SW content on Disney+ streaming service better than Mandalorian, especially the horrible Kenobi series and the bad/mediocore BOBF.

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The premise could be set in any timeline. It just happens to be set in Star Wars. Using a language analogy, I'm not really fluent in Star Wars. I'm barely conversational. So, a lot nuance is lost on me.

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