Star Wars really needs more stories like this. Imagine the amount of myths a universe like Star Wars must have.

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I Can't Believe We're Gonna Lose To This Guy

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Everyone laughing because of the giant space whales like they weren't in The Avengers...

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Whatever they are smoking must be good

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Well, some Star Trek and even a hint of Dune vibes in this episode. It's a bit tongue in cheek because they seem to be in open space with nothing but a helmet to protect them. But I think they did it in Clone Wars, too.

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Those space-whales were pretty cool!!

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Space whales... Space Combat Whales. What exactly were the writers smoking??

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Space whales?!? This reminded me of a Star Trek Discovery episode :D (and it did feel like a Star Trek adventure)

I found those space whales surprising/unexpected but I guess it fits the fantasy theme of Star Wars and it was kinda nice. (The whale riding scene reminded me of HTTYD and the last part with the gas for traveling even reminded me a bit of Dune.)

"Next time we just plan on the plan changing." :D

Anyway, Ezra's deep connection with these creatures was the coolest part for me.

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damn incredible purrgils can move with lightspeed these creatures are definitely cooler than clone wars' zillo beast

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