Shout by LeNodos

Another boring redemption I don't care for at all. Also this entire arc is too focused on a single person and there is only one episode in the entire season that fits for the title because it shows some machinations of the empire rather than just a personal character arc.
I always wonder how people who are completely isolated and do not gain more fighting experience develop the skills of a master but well at least Barriss explains that she can avoid so easily because Lyn is predictable.
All in all this episode didn't give me much, didn't tell anything new and the tragic is lost if Barriss doesn't even die. Also we know that only Maul can kill with a blow to the stomach.

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They should've called it "Tales of the Strong Women and one non-binary jedi". Apparently, this woke crap is what we deserved now in Star Wars cartoons. Thank you Disney, burn in hell.

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Ended too abruptly for me. Wished there were more episodes.

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Meh, was good but episodes too short

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Well that was incredibly poignant... and, satisfying.

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