I was ready to slate this episode for being another virus-like episode. Of which there's been around 6 or something since season 4, so nearly 1/4 of the episodes since season 4 being some kind of virus infecting people or the city. I'm not against them, as they can be good. But this show has made me realize that i think it's easy to write virus-like episodes. Just write bizarre behavior's or effects happening to people or the city and have your character's react to them for most of the episode then solve it at the end, obviously. But the result is that it's a bit formulaic, or gets to be formulaic when you start doing it often.

But this episode changed from a virus to something really interesting, with the return of Weir. Not a fan of the ending though. Absolute ballsy move by Woolsey in the beginning there in forcing the replicators to negotiate.

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Not my favorite farewell for Weir. She was not a good expedition leader, but she was a good character. This could have been a little better for her last episode, though maybe it wasn't supposed to be... stupid cancellation.

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So THIS is how they follow up on the Weir's ominous "We can finally get to work without having to look over our shoulders" at the end of S04E11? LOL.
I totally forgot the writers were this desperate in the last season.

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