"It'll be 24 hours."


"I'll give you half that."

"No sir, it doesn't work that way."

I love it!

... stupid Star Trek and their wack ass time estimates.

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I could not guess it

And where are penguins :)

So, what will happen to gate? Do they keep it or get the area under control by putting some humans? It is far away from USA.

It was nice episode.

Only why carter did not dial another code :) for example that coa-rai planet or somewhere else. But still good episode

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Shout by EddyBeGood

So there are two gates with the same address, surly the gate in Antarctica would be the dominant one considering its got a DHD????

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The premise for this episode is literally one of my favourite fanfiction tropes.

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I've always loved this episode! The setting, Jack and Sam's relationship and the twist at the end.

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