Where the hell did the Swat team that they started with go? Why did they have to run around alone? Whoever writes these episodes are idiots!

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Good episode until the SWAT team disappears and is never heard from again. Then Jack is rendered deaf by being shot in the arm? How the fuck could he not have heard and identified Simmons? He was 6 feet away and the Goa'uld heard him and was standing another 6 feet beyond on the other side of O'Neill. Completely idiotic! Not to mention we have seen the stupidity of doctors holier than thou do no harm with Doctor Frasier. What doctor would kill a person on the off chance they could save someone? NFW!

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You can't make me believe that those doctors would agree to do what Diana ordered.

Save millions of lives? No one would touch that research and its ethical violations with a hundred-foot pole.

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An unfortunately dull story that starts of well and eventually does present a strong ending. But everything in between is completely unengaging and the episode falls flat in so many areas, not least because all of the new guest actors are just so weak. Simmonds is a decent bad guy largely due to him being played by John de Lancie, but the writing leaves no room for him to be anything else.

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