For once Daniel isn't being a pacifist retard. Amazing it took so long for Jack to get on board.

Screw the slavers. Free the slaves.

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A great episode that comes close to ranking among the best for the show. A simple concept is given a lot of depth thanks to various factors that the show has built up by this point. The Unas have been given just enough development to make this genuinely compelling, and while we only get to see glimpses of what they are all about it still feels like there's a functioning society there. Top marks are due for the actors under all those prosthetics (both of whom have a long history of Stargate appearances by this point).

This is a really strong outing for the characters, too. Daniel gets to be himself and show his frustrations at the situation, O'Neill is allowed to give in to doing what feels right even though it may be against his better judgement. And Larry Drake is on fire as he portrays a bad guy with such skill that we as an audience genuinely hate him. Extremely well done.

It also has the courage to end on a dark note.

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Slaver crap and hair brained rescue plans. Not good.

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