So... nobody notices that SG1 is in the wrong uniform? Nobody?

On the upside, this was a brilliant episode. It was extremely well written and well acted. I loved all the Carter's gathered in the lab.

It was an absolute delight to see Frasier again. We should have kept her. It was moronic of the powers that were to have killed her off. I still can't get over the stupidity of that decision.

And Martouf! I so loved that character. JR Bourne has such a great demeanor.

This is one of those rare episodes that is so simple, but so well done, as to be exceptional.

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Love the episode, but Alternate SG-1s plan is so stupidly convoluted. Taking a wild swing at the fact that the universe they land in has an Atlantis and that that Atlantis has a ZPM. Hoping that the SGC they end up at will allow them aboard the Prometheus for the Black Hole portion of the mission and that the prime SG-1 won't figure out their plan and stop them.

Surely it'd be so much easier to properly search for ZPMs in their own reality or make a much bigger naquadah reactor that can power the Chair. If the itty bitty suitcase-sized Mk 2 can power it when dialed up to 110%, surely one the size of a bus could power the chair reliably.

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Sunglasses/blue camo Daniel is my favourite Daniel.

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An incredible amount of fun, and the episode manages to keep a potentially complicated set up quite simple. There's just so much entertainment to be found in all of those SG-1 teams hanging around, although I think it's a shame (and also quite unrealistic) that the majority of them don't get involved. But, I can understand how that would have made the episode unnecessarily convoluted. As another user mentioned, the fact that O'Neill isn't in any of the teams is very odd.

The real heart of this comes from the return of a couple of familiar faces, though. It's hard not to be incredibly happy to see them.

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All those multiverse SG-1 teams and none of them had O'Neill... I guess Dr. Fraiser guest appearance will have to do for now.

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Shout by Jayowski

One hell of a rollercoaster, this episode!
Martouf! Janet! A room full of Carters :D
Alt-SG-1's plan is ridiculous, but everything else is top-notch. It's weird for me that some two-parter episodes are fillerpallooza and yet a concept like this one does not get the 2-episode treatment.

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