It's a shame that this show got cancelled but at least it, sort of, wraps everything up at the end. It's better then being left on a cliff-hanger like Legends of Tomorrow was. It was a good movie level quality show while it lasted. I always say that "if you didn't know that you where watching a tv show then you would think it was a movie" lol. So, this along with every other show is either stopped or going to stop lol. The only thing left, that hasn't been axed yet, is Superman & Lois. Maybe that can start something new.

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Lol. That was cheesy ending.

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Why is the car on top part of the stack sitting half way out? And hitting it with an energy ball from bottom, wouldn’t that push the car up or back. How can it fall straight down? Did the CW writers fail math & physics classes in high school.

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The robot thing was destroyed last episode. How didn’t get fixed in Uber one day? Another stupid moment.

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How did Pat dog himself out from being buried 6 feet underground tied up. Let’s see how many stupid moments come up in this episode.

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never the end :joy:

that made me laugh for some reason. Farewell StarGirl. Hope to see the reboot as soon as possible.

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Why not ask Thunderbolt about Sylvester 's brain.?

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My name is Artemis Crock. For three months, I was lost and alone with only one goal: revenge. Now I will avenge my parents' terrible death, and stop the monster who murdered them from ever hurting anyone again. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else.

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Some small clunky bits here and there, but overall a pretty good closer to the series. Certainly better than some of the other Arrowverse shows got.

I actually kinda liked that the main story was wrapped about 2/3 in, and the remaining third was postscripts and other wrap-ups which we're all done pretty well, if a bit more abbreviatedly than I'd've ideally liked. And, of those final closing bits... Artemis may well have delivered the biggest and most impressive daaamn reaction of the season, and Shade one of the best closing lines.

Not bad, peoples. Not bad.

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Shout by Lilly

That time jump holy shit!! Farewell to this show you were great and had some of the best fight scenes out there.

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