I'm thinking eleven caused the portal. And she's scared to go back. It looks like the creature is definitely attracted to blood. Barb's bloody finger...the deer.

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I love how well-developed all the kids and teens are in this show. People often don't give kids nearly enough credit; they're smarter, as a general rule, than most people realize. Especially the kids in this show. Except Lucas, who will obviously grow up to be a misogynist and a mansplainer. Or a Hawkins Sheriff's deputy....

How cool would it be if it turns out Hopper's daughter didn't really die but was stolen away and her death faked, just like Will, and that Sara = Eleven? Probably way too obvious and convenient and optimistic an idea for this show, though.

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Probably my least favorite in the season, but that is not saying much because the series is phenomenal!

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The only dumb thing in this ep was that they didn't kill Hopper once they got him, I mean they don't leave any loose ends like when one of the operative killed the Guy in the restaurant for protecting eleven.

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Great episode, but it wasn't better of the season. What a really like was that the children's quest to Will is getting them some trouble. Seriously, Lucas and Steve can already die by the beast. Such assholes!!! Poor Eleven. She is getting terrible memories from her past and that's why she doesn't want to get back to lab. I feel sorry for her. Hopper and Joyce is getting together to solve the mystery of government, but I thought they story were tedious in this episode. Jonathan and Nancy is really having a nice arc together and I'm like where this is heading. Their scenes at the end of the episode were chilling. To see the creature fully was great. The only thing that I didn't like was the slow pace of this episode. It was boring sometimes. Overall, a good episode but it was slow in some parts.

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I wonder why the hell didnt this great show caught my eye earlier? Its beautifull...Binging it and i love it!

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More dumb then Nancy going into the tree!??? Who in their right mind would go in there....that scene was so ridiculous that it makes me rate entire episode with a 2/10

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Many "nonsense" moments in this episode.

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God, I want to punch Will's dad. And to think there are guys like him irl.

And oh, so Eleven probably caused the tear in time/space? and caused that gate to another dimension?

who in their right mind would go through that slimy doorway on a tree that obviously should not go anywhere? omg. and Jonathan the blind. smh. lol. i like this episode.

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Amazing!!! And what an ending!
Loving the fact that Hopper knows now that there are strange things going on and that he's potentially working together with Joyce to figure it out.
Jonathan and Nancy working together is also really cool. I hope she is okay.
Poor Eleven! She really is scared.

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"Oh Jesus..."

I lost it.

I'm a big fan of the dream-like sequences. Another very enjoyable episode!

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Probably the weakest entry in the season, but still really good. Hopper continues to be a badass after the laboratory is like “Duh, we no need kill intruder”, and I envy the catharsis Joyce felt after being told her intuition was right on the money and after she told her shitty ex-husband off.

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shit just keeps going from bad to worse :exclamation:

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i dislike lucas in this episode; acting like eleven was the one who used them for her own benefit WHEN IN FACT they are the ones that used eleven to find will? to an extent that she gets weak and bleeds just to help them? where's some decency and respect there, lucas? :////

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So many questions.... I need answers.... Neeext...

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I dont understand why they let jim live.

They could send him to prison or could kill and noone would suspect. Noone knows where he was, what he was doing.

And they put also bug. Jim is so clever to think in such condition.

It is still mystery why monsters come to our dimension and how they are so clever to go back.

80s and they cant tweet when they see a monster or cant take photos instantly. Really hard days :)

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wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! what an ep this was! looking forward to the next one

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I like the added sci-fi/scientific element there, it reminds me of EXPLORERS (1985). Plus the chubby kid, Dustin, wore a shirt with the word "Explorer" on it. Whatever those scientists were doing with the gate in the lab gives me a POLTERGEIST (1982) sorta vibe.

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Shout by Deleted

I fucking hate JONATHAN.
WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU???????????????

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