Shouts about...

Suits 2011


Shout by King David
BlockedParent2017-03-19T21:47:13Z— updated 2018-10-10T07:33:56Z

I wish they'd leave Rachel (Mike's girlfriend) out of a couple episodes. She's pretty and all, but the bitch is annoying as fuck. I hope they don't use her to replace Jessica. Louis has become my favorite character; his expressions and reaction are funny.

The sound track to show is AMAZING! I found so many gems just by watching it. Matter of fact—shout out to the music supervisor!

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I love this show and look forward to the next round of shows.

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Shout by Nick

Can't wait until season 2!

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The quality of the plots, acting and production of this television series are suspiciously amazing.
I do not know what type of magic they are using but it must be one heck of a spell book.

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A show that started out super strong and funny, and witty. It should have ended about 5 seasons in.

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What a mid session finale.

Can't wait until the kick off next year.
What will Daniel do now that he has been outted

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Season 2 is now airing in the US
Sick Beard is picking it up

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An astonishing series for everyone.

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Enjoyed upto S07. Louis was good till Shiela came in with weird love making and over acting and finally Harvey's and Donna's love story killed the show. S08 and 09 was a drag except for Robert and Samantha.

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well ended... 3 stars for mickey and harvey on a last case

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I really miss this show man!!!!!

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This show quickly grew on me when i started watching it, and i was sold after the first episode. I might also add that the pilot episode does an excellent job of giving you the idea of how the show is gonna be like. Alot of shows dont have that, and im not saying that every TV show should have one, because the task is quite hard. But Suits does it, and writers can learn a thing or two about that from this. Excellent!
Now that we've got that down, i wanna say that EVERYONE should watch this show. It has Drama, Characters, Acting excellence, on the tip of your seat exitement and most of all, hot women (i'm kidding, but not really :P) The Show just oozes of brilliance. Haven't watched it yet? Then stop reading about it, and for the love of the TV gods go watch the pilot! I PROMISE you will get hooked!

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An overall decent show. I wasn't big on season 1 - I found it to be far too episodic and formulaic for my liking. Seasons 2 and 3 were definitely the high point for the series. 4 and 5 were decent, but after that, things started going downhill. Season 8 was truly awful, and it was really painful and boring to sit through. I always thought that Mike and Rachel were annoying, but I was surprised to see how much the show suffered in their absesnse. Maybe it had something to do with the new characters being awful. Season 9 wasn't as bad as 8, but it still wasn't a good watch.

This is definitely a show that should have ended at season 5 or 6. It ran 3 or 4 seasons too long.

Season 1 - 6.5/10
Season 2 - 8/10
Season 3 - 8/10
Season 4 - 7/10
Season 5 - 7/10
Season 6 - 7/10
Season 7 - 6/10
Season 8 - 4/10
Season 9 - 5/10

6.5/10 average overall (more like a 7.5 without the last few seasons)

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loved it even tho it got a bit boring in some parts

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Man this started off great. Super witty dialog. Spoke to my bike messenger, social crusader mixed with commanding heights life. It really started to unravel after a bit. Idk, s06ish. Mike and Donna became super, duper annoying and everything just got thin. Also, If Im not hating louis, what is the point?

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Shout by essentialz
BlockedParent2022-10-03T03:16:18Z— updated 2022-10-09T02:55:14Z

It's good for a network TV show. it's fun, silly, the characters are likable, and the cases and office politics can be entertaining. The acting is what you would expect from network TV and the dialog between characters is a little forced sometimes. All in all, I enjoyed the series.

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Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2022-09-10T14:09:18Z— updated 2022-09-12T10:05:46Z

Thank fuck that's over.
Starts off great but the show should have stopped after S04E10 and again after S07E16. All episodes after the first point are a shadow of their former selves. There's no more character growth and more often than not you see them regress so far as to render them totally unrecognisable. It's all basically backstabbing childish behaviour from that point forward. Episodes after the second point are more of the same and worse.
Do yourself a favour and stop watching after either of the aforementioned episodes (preferably the first).
The end is very mushy.

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It is one of betters shows that I watched. From begin until the last episode it was very good.

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Super Brilliant! A must-see! :heart:

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highly entertaining intellectual titalating superb

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No Robert Zane in this episode. Seems weird since it's all about his reputation. Otherwise, I appreciate how they're continuing without Mike. Harvey carries the show.and Louis helps. Not as good as the seasons with Mike and Princess, but decent.

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I think is very good show

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I’m a long time fan of the show and have enjoyed all it has offered overall.

Is it the best written show on tv? No. Is this show full of characters you care about that suck you into their lives and have you cheer when they succeed? Yes.

Suits starts off as yet another show about someone with a quirk and a chink. Their quirk gives them a huge advantage but their chink causes issues for them. However, as it matures the world they build feels very human and relatable, on more than one occasion I have punched the air when one of the many great characters succeeded. In my opinion, any shows that’s able to create a reaction like that has something going for it.

Overall, it’s an easy watch that hooks you early on. In an era where shows are hard hitting and gritty, this offers a welcome reprieve. I love it.

“You just for LITT UP!”

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As much as I love this show, the hetero/mononormativity has started to really rub me the wrong way.

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Fucking Donna. That was, as usual, freaking awesome.

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At very first episode it hooked me up !! Must must watch if u r really looking to start new series !! 10/10 for first episode

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Shout by Iago Dantas
BlockedParent2017-02-28T23:48:44Z— updated 2018-11-22T20:55:38Z

This show has literally "the best soundrack of any TV show" that I have watched so far. The story is good, the characters are consistent, the production is professional and It has all that good stuff that good series must have, but I stayed for the soundtrack. I recommend it.

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This show is superb in so many ways. What it lacks in action, it makes up for in thriller and drama. The cast is excellent, the plots are well written and I am often on the edge of my seat; What's going to happen next? Also, Donna is one feisty redhead. Love her!

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Goddamn. Superb show. Love love love. Subtle humour, great drama, super storyline and genius dialogue.

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I just love this show. Drama with a tang of humour. Superb acting and plenty of 'goddamn'!!

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Shout by Robert

Love it!

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Great series, binge watched everything in a month...!

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this show just gets better and better!

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Anyone know any similar tv shows?

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This episode felt more like the good old days, more mind mastery on the business side of things. The end though.... Whoa....

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...God damn..., what did u just say to me, spit in my face, back the hell off, we'll see u in court, ...if u think....then u got another thing coming....
And that about covers the entire plot of the show

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Shout by JJ

Suits season 3 will return on 16 July, as stated on their FB page!

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When is the 2018 season starting?!?!?!?!?! i am suffering from withdrawal

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Shout by JJ

Hell Yeah, It picks up where it left of!

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2017-11-14T12:47:45Z— updated 2018-06-22T03:52:00Z

America and its finest... anti/heroes!

Now that Meghan (playing Rachel on Suits) is marrying HRH Prince Harry, they will want to remove her from the show. Let's see what ending MxR will get! I don't see no happy ending for them.

What a shitty ending for the couple. Meh!
Still watching... shitty ending tho. Just sayin'!

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I love this show more than every show i was watching before! Can't wait to see Harvey and Donna together, they deserve this. And Mike, he should be free!

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I love this Show so far. It has everything a good law show needs. The dialoges are smart and funny, the plot is interesting and the style of the show is great.

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Can't wait until Episode 3 of Season 5 (No refills)...!

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The first episode justified the waiting pain! Marvelous as always!

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Officially renewed for 6th season!!

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This little gem reminds me of a mix between White Collar and House. Similar formula as a House episode - Issue, False-Solve, Conflict and finally Resolution laced with sarcasm and ego.... all with the suave and debonair style of White Collar. Highly entertaining.

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"I don't have dreams, I have goals"

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Ugh, the show used to be somewhat entertaining but now it's just dragging. It's become completely formulaic and the characters' depth has been reduced to a bunch of petulant children fighting with each other, and then finally resolving their differences and being friends again. There is little to no focus on anything law related, and it's just a giant pot of melodrama. Avoid.

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing show. Some of the best character development and interaction on TV, the wittiness and one liners are by far worth watching the show for alone. First season did a great job roping the viewer in, the subsequent seasons were even better. In my opinion, there was a fine line the show walked between going down a risky path and maintaining normalcy (sometimes tip-toeing across); yet, it always pulled out. Worth the watch for sure!

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Loving this show more and more each episode. Upping my rating to 8/10.

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I really wish I had a friend like Harvey... A friend that has infinite ways to help you out of infinite situations. Every season thus far, has been nothing but extraordinary. Season 7 is going to blow us all away.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome, look forward to the next season!

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I just can't stop watching this show.

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Shout by Deleted

there are no words to describe how much i love this cast and the plots and everything about this show

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Shout by Deleted

Maybe the best of its genre. Solid series.

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been sitting on this for ages since it came out actually & finally got a chance to watch it over recent weeks & i am so impressed i was hooked immediately & def a big fan of this thankfully it restarts shortly - i hate that long mid season breaks!!

def recommend this check it out!

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It's like a name and a title in one. You'll see.

Fantastic show!

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Shout by Deleted

So fucking addictive and awesome. I'm officially in love with it and all of its characters.

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One of my most favourite shows, great sarcasm, wits, very smart/intelligent, great personalities and hell I'd love to be like Harvey :)

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Shout by Deleted

One of my favorite tv-show

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Crazy series got hooked to it from first episode itself. Gripping story line, spot on acting, amazing production and direction. Can't wait to see the 6th season!

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Best law drama I've watched.

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Just started this. My girlfriend recommended it to me, i knew there was a great reason i love her heh

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This is effectively the only soap opera-like show that I've genuinely enjoyed for a period of time. I really liked the "who's the cleverest" battles of wit that the show effectively continues throughout. However, like all good soap operas it starts to drag as the characters have really just been there forever and have a well established trope already.

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Shout by Deleted

Mostly excellent. Could do without the goofy exploits of Lewis Litt's character and overwraught drama between Mike and Rachel. But the interplay between Mike, Harvey, Jessica and Donna is scintilating. Strongly recommend.

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Best show on TV. Fantastic dialogue and so many levels in the storyline. Totally in love with Donna.

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Shout by Deleted

Best show on TV - love it

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Shout by Deleted

What's up with the season covers? XD Why don't you take the original ones?

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this show isn't going anywhere,the four seasons I watched are more than enough for it

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Shout by Deleted

best show ever cant wait for next season

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Who is the talented bastard that casts the women on this show? Damn.

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Any news about season two ?

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Shout by Deleted

Exceptional and great, all in all.

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"MY BACK IS AGAINST A WALL" ; "Got him by the balls" ; " I win , You lose" .
Repitituve and stupid lines. not to mention cheesy. Same old garbage dialogues every episode. Weak plots. Made for ppl with an iq of 90.Nice suits though.

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Shout by Deleted

that's not a series,that's lifestyle.

life is this,i like this :)))

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Fun to reference but characters are unlikeable. I am the best closer in town.

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Shout by Deleted

i want to be a lawyer

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I just finished watching season one, and what a great show this is!
And it's because of you guys (always trending) that made me watch it in the first place, so thank you!

Now... Off to the next season... :)

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Starts with a great first season, but deteriorates fast during the 2nd and especially the 3th season.

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Shout by Deleted

ohhh DONNA ♥

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Shout by Deleted

its out * dyac

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fantastic sorry missed the ratin

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nice pilot

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Shout by Deleted

Just started rewatching the first two seasons. This show is so awesome, can't wait for Season 3.

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Great show!

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Interesting show albeit I'm only on season 1. Can see a few plots developing but I do like how each episode is its own show.

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Fantastic show! Really enjoying this :-D
Bring on Season 3!!

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Suits was great for 3 seasons, really don't need more suits than that...

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Shout by Deleted

i hate all this attitude and dressing (suits) in real world but these guys make it looking cool! very clever plot and dialogues as well.

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Quite possibly my favourite show at the moment. Gutted there are only 12 in the first season!

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Shout by Deleted

This series is so cool and funny xd The characters are all just amazing!! And I think I actually learn a lot of new things by just watching this on Netflix all day LOL

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Love this show!!!

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best TV soundtrack, other than that the show is just "whoa Meghan is hot"

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Shout by Deleted

great tv show

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Can't wait till January! The mid-season finale was absolutely brilliant.

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The definition of bingeable.

[5 words]

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A fresh and stylish drama series, sometimes hard to take it seriously though.

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Can't wait till next season

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Season finale blew my mind.

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This is a show that tries really hard to be witty. Has all the random movie quotes, the movie-like "con" situations, and yet you can see through the cracks at times, moments where the show loses its believability. The show is also incredibly formulaic. Every episode seems almost the same, just a different case to sift through. It gets tiresome seeing the same locations all the time. This is the epitome of weekly cable TV.

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