I was few episodes behind because I don't like the second half if this season, not even a little. They turned Alex someone who cries every damn episode and woman who wants to have a baby so badly. Nice development throughout the whole season. Don't like that! Chyler is an amazing actress and I believe every emotion she shows but it's too much, it is such a bull. I don't mind political issues being brought in but ffs the writers need to learn how to put them in the episodes. The stupidest thing, I think, was J'onn telling agents they won't be using guns. I mean, if anyone should use them, it's the government and forces like them, highly trained!

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The fact that adults in this show use the word "bullied" to other adults when speaking ABOUT adults should say all you need to know about the people behind writing this show.

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More preaching by the writers. This time on the horrors of gun ownership. Every episode a sermon. Almost as bad as the Academy Award speeches by the better-than-everyone-else hollywood elite. Give it a rest. People don't watch supergirl to listen to your opinions.

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Shout by Cluisanna

It's not like superheroes don't have a long history of anti-gun advocacy (does the name Batman ring any bells?), but jeez, the dialogue and plot in this episode was so badly written and made no sense. I absolutely agree that normal people don't need guns, especially not semi-automatic or automatic ones - but none of the people on this show actually lead normal lives. I also absolutely agree that if possible, using non-lethal force is preferable, and considering the insane tech that Winn and others have whipped up in a matter of hours or days before, it's easy to imagine that he could build a fully-functioning Stark Trek-like stun gun. In fact, that would have been an actually cool plotline - they have the technology to create powerful non-lethal weapons, why do they still automatically default to equipping their agents with guns? But instead it just felt heavy-handed and nonsensical.

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Poor Supergirl. She‘s too alien to feel at home on earth but she‘s too human to feel at home on Krypton.

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It is strange to return home after many years without being there. It's strange to see her in a white dress

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Love seeing all the gun nuts triggered

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What is this abomination. Apparently they are still trying to make a super hero comedy after the failure of "Powerless".

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I really wish the writers would stick to cheesy, yet engaging superhero drama, rather than myopic political propagandizing with a pathetically thin veneer of balance.

Whatever your view is of a particular contentious political issue, a superhero show is not the right platform to beat people over the head with that view in an intellectually dishonest way. (I was actually surprised that they had non-villains indicate disagreement, and kudos to the writers for that, but it's beside the point.)

It's bad enough that the whole show takes as an indisputable premise that heroes don't kill in (even justified) self-defense; but now it's incorporating into the plot horrifically wrong political viewpoints. SMH.

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Now we only need a terrible episode about transgender people and i think we pretty much covered everything. Also nice of Kara to tell Kal, that a part of his homeworld survived.

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I was angry at the start about this political bullshit. At the end I was just laughing about stupidity of this show. 2 more episodes and I am done with arrowverse. I will finish this season, but I don't think I will handle any more of this crap.

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The episode was very political, at times feeling very forced, but J'onn speech to the perp was great. I also liked the adoption part. It should be the only way to go for those who want kids, if they want humans and other animals to survive on our planet.

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I like this show, but it is getting very PC. Do you actually believe legal, law abiding gun owners are the problem? That criminals will give up their guns? Should we out law knives and vans. People who wart to harm will find a way.

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Ugh... I support American gun reform but that episode was so clumsy and heavy-handed. I can't imagine it changing any minds.

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