Shout by anthoney65
BlockedParent2019-05-07T01:09:00Z— updated 2020-01-22T20:21:13Z

I have to agree about the jet almost crashing scene. How did she get out of the jet without setting off alarms and more. She would have had to phase through the hull like the flash. Since we've never seen her do that I find it unlikely.

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So the base is self-destructing and yet she has to destroy the evidence.

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I used to like this show. Eh, now I'm just bored.

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I used to think that Lena has always known that Kara is Supergirl, because she is a smart woman and anyone can see through some bloody spectacles and she chose not to tell Kara and just play along. Well, now I think she is just dumb.

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James sister is gay...I didn’t realize supergirl universe was full of so many gay people.

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Alex randomly gets a call to adapt a kid. Then she’s terrified of getting a baby. Makes no sense. I’m pretty sure people wanting to adapt, the last thing on their mind is being terrified. These writers this season place themselves on a pedestal way too much. Nonsense.

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That airplane scene has so many flaws it’s so unbelievable

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"I know I should be afraid of her, but I kind of feel bad for her. I mean, if I had landed anywhere else, that could have been me. A refugee raised as a weapon."

Oh, so the only place that's acceptable to land on earth is America, everyone! Zzz :rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:

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I knew it! That new president IS not right. When Kara told him of the phony Supergirl that attacked the white house, that was raised and trained by Lex Luthor and told him his Chief of Staff was in collusion with Lex, and he asked if anyone else knew of this evidence, and he pushed the alert button for security to come in.....it is OBVIOUS that he is also in collusion with Lex. I think he is a clone.

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Lena knows how to fly a plane. I guess she can do everything...what nonsense.

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The Lockwood should blame himself for his wifes death. But of course he blames all aliens.
They suddenly shoved Alex wanting kids into this season. When she hasn’t mentioned it since like last season. So it occupied a little too much of this episode.
Plus how did Lockwood almost easily kill Stuper James if they have the same powers ?

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Bloody norra, hand on hips! I'm surprised Lena did not ask "What were you going to say Kara?"

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The scene in the airplane was one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever seen on tv. And what’s with all this adoption agency nonsense.

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The last scene between Kara and Lena annoyed me the most because Kara was so close to telling Lena the truth and yet again she didn’t. Now I’m 100% sure the writers want to set up a story arc with Lena feeling betrayed and becoming evil.

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So after all the preaching against aliens Lockwood is going to arrest himself right? Of course not. Biggest hypocrite if i ever seen one

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Shout by Deleted

Alex is so boring she makes me want to cheer for Lockwood

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