Super disappointed that the show continues to try to engage in social/philosophic commentary, bungles it, and barely progresses the plot. Philosophic drive-bys will end up sticking with people as nothing more than dogma, while turning thoughtful people off, to say nothing of further polarizing those who disagree. If you want to deal with contemporary issues in a thoughtful, careful manner (the way that sci-fi and fantasy should), take a page from The Orville's "About a Girl" ( There's an example of treating a difficult topic with the dignity and seriousness it deserves.

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The CW are renowned for being excessively woke in every aspect and I respect the attempt to raise awareness in certain outstanding issues amongst society. But they really need to address their delivery method as all the shows I love are just getting worse and worse and worse.
Supergirl was never a strong contender but now it’s just verging on unbearable.
All that said, it was nice to see some actual superhero action. Although, I’m sure it probably would’ve been much quicker for Kara to just fly the ice bomb into space rather than just stand there power stancing and staring at it for ten minutes.

Overall, Oliver Queen is turning in his grave and wishes he let the Antimonitor win.

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Every issue handled on this show is black or white. If the "ex-cons", or "formerly incarcerated" as Supergirl called them, that lived in the Heights were responsible for something the main cast disagreed with, they would agree with the city council. But because someone they knew was "slighted by the system", they took the other side of the issue. There's no nuance on these issues and nothing interesting about their takes. It's all just propaganda for children and child-like minds.

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Another preachy episode. Please stop preaching and tell us a story!

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