With Anderson and Ally Alston temporary out of the picture the show quickly finds it's strong points again. Even with Clark being absent this episode was such an improvement. It was a drama focused episode, but I don't mind that if the drama revolves around characters I care about.

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Lois is a little too much of a hard ass in his who never smiles. Still there’s been worse Lois’ without no spunkness, like the Superman Returns one.

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the slow motion dodge scene was so epic

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Jordans save was pretty good. He's very fast. I hope he stays humble. Who was the other Jonathan at the end? I thing Sarah will find out about Jordan and say why didn't you tell me and they'll get back together or Jordan will not bother becuase he can then concentrate of being Superboy or whatever!

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We all knew she was going to win. Wokeness taken to a new level.

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