One of the better episodes this season. Peia is an interesting villain/character. The scene with Kyle coming to the farm was awesome.

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One of the best episodes of the season in my book. It does feel like they're trying too hard to make the audience emotional but I continue to really like seeing this Clark Kent have to deal with super relatable father/family stuff. And the scene at the end between him and Kyle was really enjoyable, loved that reveal.

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Clark being excited to hang out with the boys was so cute they broke his heart :sob:

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How does Lois keep all her hair with the chemo? The beanie didn’t make sense…

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Sucks that evil WB finally renewed the show but with a catch. They will write out Lois’ Father who has been one of the best things about the show.
Budget cuts. You would they canceled enough shows and even movies, by now. To save moeny.
Anyway it’s cool that Sarah won’t give away Jonathan’s secret but I feel like he loved her more than she ever did him.

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This season is beyond terrible. They really need to trim the cast down and focus on Superman/Clark. Every episode of this season is swimming in side plots and pointless extras.

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this series just keeps getting better and better!

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