I love the addition of new villains and exploration of Bruno Manheim as the big bad and he continues to be interesting especially with the last scene but those moments between Lois and Clark are the standout ones.

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Decent episode. I don't mind that the show isn't a pure Superman focussed one. A lot of attention goes into the drama part and I think it's something this show has over a lot of other Superhero shows.

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The show should be renamed to Clark & Lois. Not much Superman in this show

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I'm a little late to give my thoughts on this episode after watching it 3 days ago, but the fact that I'm struggling to remember what happened is a sign it wasn't the best episode for me. The themes and tone of this Superman family drama were still there and enjoyable, with some good emotional beats with Lois and Clark. But other than that not much is memorable and I wasn't as engaged with this episode.

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Seriously can we please sort out Lois’ lazy eye. Its incredibly distracting! Every single scene its its pulling away. Feels like I’m missing something and I keep trying to find what shes looking at!

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I was just thinking Superman gets beated by everyone it's getting lame, then he did the Hulk Thunderclap :D (for this I will forgive him not pulling the usb drive)

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