Maybe a little bit anticlimactic compared to previous finales, but I loved the way this one ended with everyone happy and getting what they want.

And what a gift from Amara. Wow.

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Spoiler Alert!!! Yeah!!! They win again ....... Mom?

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bleah...weak ending...a pathetic god since it showed up...who just cried his way into a solution. why didn't he offered to carry the bomb. Amar was hateful for billions of years...she spends like few months on earth and becomes all soft and fluffy. ..bleah...this whole amar god thing was written poorly. And in the end what did Dean get...mom...lol...pathetic

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Amazing!The most interresant end season ep ever

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Apparently, I am like one of the few that enjoyed this lol. I’d rather have God and Darkness have a sweet family reunion of sorts, than Dean sacrificing himself (again).

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I'm not mad, having lost surprise and faith in the series many seasons ago, now I just watch it out of habit. I rather enjoyed the finale, it would have been magical if the previous episode and this were a single long episode, we would have gotten the battle and then the conclusion. I'm proud of dean for not fighting. but yay rowena lived!

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Shout by Deleted

What was that? So disappointing. They could have done so much with this. I am a loyal fan since the pilot, but it's time to move on and allow these talented actors to work on new projects.

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Not my favorite finale, at all. Damn it, Writers! God/Darkness was the perfect season AND series finale. How do you mess this up?

I thought Amara was gonna give Dean a family or a woman, not his freaking mommy.

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Very unsatisfactory and disappointing series finale.
We've got this season long buildup of a villain, that is so strong if she succeeds, it destroys the universe and with it the show.
...or is stopped before that and takes out an important character destroying the show as we know it in the process.
The writers really wrote themselves in a corner with Amara and needed quite a literal deus-ex-machina.

But if you think about it, why would they shoot Sam but making a cheap cop out attempt with Dean before that? Makes no sense. Terrible cliffhanger and pretty much literally the same awful cliffhanger as in one season of Breaking Bad. So, twice as bad.
Although overall this season is one of the better ones in terms of past S5.

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Mom?! What a weird cliff hanger.

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Worst ending ever. Just end it for good, CW, before you totally ruin one of my favorite shows just for some more money.

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WOW. one of the best season finales this show's had.

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Not sure why people are complaining about this one, I thought it was pretty good. The previous episode, as any good penultimate episode should be, was better, and this wrapped things up nice and open to discussion. I thoroughly enjoyed it

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Wow, the people here are so hateful of the ending. I do agree it was underwhelming and weaker than it should've been, but dayum what people just type without consideration.

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They could have done so much better with the God/Amara storyline. I'm not impressed but it's far better than the Arrow season finale-- yet not as shocking as the Flash season 2 finale. Flash writers are on their game.

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