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Season 12

Supernatural was way better in the earlier seasons...
Despite my love for the cast it took me ages to finish this one
The storylines are getting weirder and starts to bore me

I'm gonna finish the show because I grew up with SPN and I have a nostalgia about it
But in my opinion the producers should've stopped the show few seasons before

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Shout by IcePhoenix

The writing is a lot better than in the last couple of seasons, but this british MoL plot was not very convincing.
They kinda run out of steam with the usual next season, bigger threat formula, with the darkness.
How come the different chapters of MoL have very different code of conduct, and why didn't the brits intervened for like three apocalypses?
Apart from that, at least the finale opened up some possibilites and made some daring perhaps permanent changes that might freshen the show for it's hopefully last season.

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Season 12 is really bad.
They should have stopped in season 11.
Nothing can go next to God/Amara things...

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