Finally Gordon dies. A terrible way as he deserves. One of the most delusional characters

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Finally no more Gordon! Geez I hated Gordon.

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Gordon has always been a Monster.

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Oh good lord. Gordon is now a Vampire. Just when I thought I couldn't hate Gordon any more.

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Really? Gordon is back again? Geez I hate Gordon! I really wish Gordon would go away for good.

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The bonding moment at the end has my whole heart:sob:

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loved the guest vampire being harmony from buffy/ angel verse!

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I didn't think they'd kill off Gordon so soon.

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Finally, Gordon dies! Yes!

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Shout by anthoney65

The razor wire decapitation was cool but Dean should have used the colt on him.

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I still think Sam cutting off Gordon's head with BARBED WIRE is freakin' awesome. Terrifying, but awesome.

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