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Sweet Home 2020

Definitely one of my favorite dramas of 2020. I came for Lee Jin-wook and stayed for him + everything and everyone else because it was/they were all so brilliant.

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Not a good watch at all Imo.

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When someone would ask me which series should have ended after S1, I will poin them to Sweet Home. S1 ended without answering many questions, where they answered in s2/ s3 big fat NO. They only introduced more characters gave them backstory and killed them without progressing the story.

If we become monster that kill each and everything in its path to evolve , that's a shitty evolutionary process.

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What a great start. I really enjoyed season 1 and even season 2 was still very enjoyable. Season 3 is just completely erratic. I cannot deal with it anymore. Barely anything makes sense and the changes introduced are not well explained or so dragged out, that I barely want to continue.

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Season 1 was very good. Excellent comradery amongst the Residents.
Season 2 was not as good. Too many sub plots going on for my liking. The episodes were also too long.
Season 3 was much better than 2 not as good as 1. Some of the original characters return all be it in different forms, Neo-Humans!
The final episode seemed a little rushed and was not the ending I wanted to see. :thinking: Left a few unanswered questions and was rushed leading to some confusion about Who, What and How.
Overall a good series. Worth a watch if you like slow build ups.
The special effects were amazing. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Binge watched with my friend, it was really good. But the CGI and all could’ve been better/more realistic I think.

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Lee Bong Ryun is not listed as actress yet she acted here.

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It follows totally different story but soooo boooring just read we toon don't waste your time...

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So bad the dub and the effect... xD

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How the f it is ended with that ending?!!!!!

Btw. seriously clicked bc of boredom, didnt think I would last even a whole ep. I watched it all in one sitting. Crushed bc of Hyun-soo's changing in the last ep but that ending?!! I hate open endings and this is too many questions for an usual open ending. Also T.T bc Eun-Hyeok's death. I liked him from the beginning.

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Not even close to the Webtoon. Webtoon is 10, this is just a forgettable 6.

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I should probably mention never intended to start this series but my friends wanted us to watch it together so I gave it a shot. I ended up being so entranced with this series and it legit had my full attention that I could not look away while it was playing. Its a bit gore for my taste and a tad on the creepy side with how the monsters look but overall it was really interesting and addictive.

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To be honest I didn't expect that much from this drama after Netflix ruined "Extracurricular" but how wrong I was, this was superb from the very beggining! Still can't figure it out how Netflix managed to cast such great actors, favorite casting in a drama from this year? Absolutely! Lee Do Hyun and Park Gyu Young are killing it this year!
Can't wait for next season

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Without a doubt the best show I’ve watched in a longtime.

I really highly rate so many shows and film from Korea. Great actors, production, and such refreshing story lines and wow, what phenomenal imagination shining through.

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So, I've kind of just discovered Korean TV shows and movies. So far I've been very impressed. I'm finding the stories to be refreshing and new. And the production values are excellent.

This show does not disappoint. For me, it started out a little slow, but I soon lost myself in the story and by the end found myself caring about what happened to each character.

Can't wait for season 2.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Since I read the webtoon and loved that, I was hesitant to watch this, but even though it differs (doesn't really follow the mc) and is less monster-fighting oriented than the webtoon (not to mention some major characters were changed up to create whole different plotlines), it was rather enjoyable to watch. It helped that they had picked an awesome cast as well.

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The first season was amazing. Excellent monster design, lots of tension, just nearly perfect. Then season 2 and season 3 happened, and in my opinion, dragged the show down. I didn't understand half of what was going on in season 2 and in season 3, sure it pulled everything together (kind of), but it was just fine. Sure, there was an ending but it felt kind of like "and they all lived happily ever after" and I didn't care for it at all. This is one of those shows that should have just been 1 season and then done. It would have gotten a 9/10. As is, it gets a 7/10 but only because of the strength of season 1.

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Just a bad, awful show

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Season 1 was very good. Excellent comradery amongst the Residents.
Season 2 was not as good. Too many sub plots going on for my liking. The episodes were also too long.
Season 3 was much better than 2 not as good as 1. Some of the original characters return all be it in different forms, Neo-Humans!
The final episode seemed a little rushed and was not the ending I wanted to see. :thinking: Left a few unanswered questions and was rushed leading to some confusion about Who, What and How.
Overall a good series. Worth a watch if you like slow build ups.
The special effects were amazing. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Loved season 1!! The characters and plot was amazing!! Loved seing their backstory and why they all were so weird. Watched season 1 in one night cause I couldn’t stop gave up season 2 tho around ep 4. None of the characters from season 1 were there anymore. Song kang had no screen time;-; . Just overall to much boring military plot but the cgi does get way better in season 2

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Rewatching it. It's that good.

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Season 1, 8/10
Season 2, 5/10
The season 2 just exists to watch the third.

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The manga was better than the show, but that’s pretty normal. Was exciting to watch but the animation vs real life people was somewhat jarring.

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First scene is just so bad, but the rest is fairly good, you can tell it's adapted from a webtoon with some weird choices narratively speaking but it's good watch nonetheless !

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The story was adapt from the same name manhwa/comic "SWEET HOME". So if you guys interested to what happened next you can try to read it on WEBTOON. Highly recommend

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The story was adapt from the same name manhwa/comic SWEET HOME. So if you guys interested to what happened next you can try to read it on WEBTOON. Highly recommend

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The story was adapt from the same name manhwa/comic "SWEET HOME:. So if you guys interested to what happened next you can try to read it on WEBTOON. Highly recommend

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The story was adapt from the same name manhwa/comic "SWEET HOME". So if you guys interested to what happened next you can try to read it on WEBTOON. Highly recommend.

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The story was adapt from the same name manhwa/comic "SWEET HOME". So if you guys interested to what happened next you can try to read it on WEBTOON. Highly recommend.

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Shout by Mohamed Shazny

This was such a good TV series. I 100% recommend it.

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Never intended to watch this since I'm not into horror or gory monster shows. But curiosity got the better of me and the excellent cast and engaging plot kept me glued to the screen. I know I hate watching gory monster but with this, I prefer watching monsters than the human beings. Like what the lead gangster said, "It's not time to be worrying about monsters. Humans are the scariest."

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Shout by anyanezpardo

Sweet Home was my first introduction to the world of South Korean series and the truth is that it left me with mixed feelings. On the one hand, it has an interesting story that grabs you quite a bit (in fact, I am called to start reading the original WebToon), the digital animation does not disappoint, although it declines a bit towards the end of the series and the characters are striking and quite well. interpreted. But, on the side of the bad things, the rhythm becomes a bit confusing and choppy, sometimes fast and sometimes a little slow, there are loose ends by a lot and the end takes a confusing and unnecessary narrative rhythm that makes it lose a bit the grace and the effect it might have had. Anyway, I will continue to watch for a possible second season, hoping that you can delve into the history of the characters as befits their potential demonstrated in this first part.

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Shout by Gamerz_worlds

Best show 2021 very masterpiece

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Shout by Gamerz_worlds

Great horror show one of the best of 2020

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Shout by kinky

Are the Koreans trying to channel Guillermo del Toro? Because they're doing it right.

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The cgi was good at first episodes but it went down after that. Also if they made it 8 episodes would be better

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