Review by FLY

Sweet Home 2020


Review by FLY

One of the best thing I've seen in a while.

Let's start by what's wrong:
- the intro scene is a very bad choice, not only does it not introduce anything, but by the end of the first episode you have forgotten it, it totally fails to create an expectation. Worse: it's entirely useless when it finally happens.
- Very often the music chosen for action scene feels out of place to the point that it's actually disturbing

That's it. Everything else is great.

First it looks amazing. The general atmosphere, the light, the colors, it's gorgeous. The FX are pretty good too, enough so that the pretty complex monsters do not look cheap.

The concept is quite nice. It's like a regular zombie story, except it's not contagious but anyone can turn at anytime. And usually there are regular and sometimes special zombie, here all are special with a special characteristic.

We're following several plots:
- The way the whole building population settles and tries to survive the situation
- The main character dealing with his transformation
- The monster hunts
- A small investigation in what happened (it's pretty light in this season)
- The relationships between the individual characters

And it's all great

Interestingly, the best part is not the monsters, but the characters. There are a lot of characters, like a lot, and even if some of them are glorified background mobs, there are maybe 15 noticeable ones. Each bring something to the group, and to the story. It's kinda hard to follow, and hard to remember their names, but going with their defining characteristics is enough (the firewoman, the teacher, the gangster, etc.). For some we see a background story, for some not, but they all have their moment to shine and you get attached to them fast. Which is harsh because in GoT fashion: no plot armor. A lot of them will die along the way. But there can be a whole episode without any monster and the story is still great.

You get some great action scenes because some of them are real badass.
You get very emotional scenes on some deaths.
You get some pretty gory ones too, depending on the monsters. Warning: lots of blood.
A lot of extreme tension scenes.

Each monster has a gimmick. And even if we don't see them that much, it's fun.

Often in Netflix shows quality goes down after a while, probably not intentional but it often feels like they had already spent the budget or they were behind on the deadline and that in the second half (be it of a movie or a season) they gave up on details. Not the case here, not only the quality never drops in the whole season, the final three are even a notch above (at least in Season 1, we'll see for the rest, I hope).

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